Himalayas (Aurora)

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Founding and Reign of realgardenhose

Himalayas was founded by realgardenhose18, with the capital of Ladakh, on the 3rd of June, 2022.

Reign of Danaille

With realgardenhose inactive, through a series of complex events, the nation and capital city were transferred to danaille, who held the town for jagster as he sought to find a buyer. Shortly after, he did and Danaille transferred ownership to PolkadotBlueBear.

Reign of PolkadotBlueBear

It was taken over by PolkadotBlueBear in December 2022.

Reign of HDKONUK

It was taken over by HDKONUK in February 2022. It was holded by Plamatrix, and Sold to xArimc.

Reign of xArimc

It was bought by xArimc, its sold to xiodidi and Shu

Reign of Xiodidi

It was bought by xiodidi, he renamed nationname to Socialist Republic of Himalayas, but inactived.

Reign of Zelcedes and 22SIU

It was taken over by Zelcedes, and His Friend 22SIU unclaimed all lands in Ladakh cuz overclaim, and now owned by zelcedes again.