Battle of Sorong (Classic)

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Battle happened on March 25 2018

Battle Events (chronological order)

The_ForgeMaster was slain by BtwItsVortex using [Kyoto Kantana] --Japan Victor 

The_ForgeMaster was slain by MineHero43 using [Tennoheika Banzai] --Japan Victor

Tymek_T was slain by Lucas2011 using [Purple Dildo Vibrator] --Japan Victor

SlyPrince was shot by Endersgame94 using [let this be a lesson] --Alliance Victor

Lucas2011 was slain by Endersgame94 using [Pingu's glock 2.0] --Alliance Victor

Schober60 was slain by creatorfromhell using [Yellow Fever] --Alliance Victor

SlyPrince was slain by creatorfromhell using [Yellow Fever] -- Alliance Victor