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Canada is a large nation located primarily in what is real world Canada. Founded with the intent on embodying Canadian virtues, Canada places emphasis on consideration and compassion for not only all of the people in its nation but as well as those who are not part of Canada.

Canada is adamant about protecting its members' individuality, property, and freedom. The majority of Canada's population is not concentrated in any single town, rather it is well dispersed throughout the lands.

Canada is focused on maintaining good relationships with all other nations all while maintaining an assertive stance against any wrongdoing towards its citizens brought upon by other nations.


The Era Of The Sapling - April

The story of Canada starts with the town of Newfoundland, created by mrclucky123 in late April after difficulties creating a jungle town and being unable to join a bigger nation.  This new (soon to be) Canadian town would set a relatively maintained tradition for towns in Canada to be named after their approximate real-world regions/cities. mrclucky123 quickly saved up enough money to form the nation of Canada, where not long after that, the first town to join Canada would be Anticosti.

The Era Of The Rooster - May

Under mrclucky123's leadership, he adamantly pursued diplomatic relations with numerous nations around the world, with a focus on North America. Reaching out to other small nations, this would help bring rise to an alliance with RedSun, Cascadia, and UnitedStates. This special alliance still stands to this day with Mojave (RedSun), Cascadia, along with other nations that would later join this alliance.

Canada actively tried to stay out of conflict while maintaining involvement in the world stage in it’s early days. Though conflict would be unavoidable during the conflicts that arose with Praxis.  Canada and specifically Newfoundland found itself damaged heavily after user TowerDefense detonated TNT around the town all while placing quite a bit of water. After the damage was repaired, a follow-up attack occurred with an enormous cobblestone tower being created. Canadian leadership would later deflate the situation by reaching out to the individuals who attacked them with the intent of forming a friendship rather than maintaining a mutual hatred.   This interaction proved successful and Canada would find itself in a situation of relative peace. Within this era, the towns of Nathadison, Nunavut, Gaspe, Detorit_City, and Nova_Lisboa would join Canada in that respected order.

The Era Of The Rose - June

The Era Of The Rose was a fragile time for Canada. Though Canada's most peaceful era, it was also an era Canada experienced the greatest loss. mrclucky123 would shortly find his leadership difficult to maintain as technical issues limited his ability to interact with Canada more and more over the month. This had unfortunate consequences for not only did it limit Canadian growth, but it also greatly diminished its community.  Throughout almost the entirety of this era, only three more cities would be included under mrclucky123’s leadership, being PEI,  Perce, and Winnipeg respectively.  All of which would be only three of four Canadian cities that would remain active after this era, the other being Anticosti.

Throughout most of this era, the majority of Canadians dedicated most of their time to construction projects.  Canada created the servers first functioning casino, took part in creating a trans-North American highway system, fixing previously grief and damage Canadian land, and focused on collecting resources.

Recognizing the difficulties that were being induced due to his absence, mrclucky123 would eventually step down from the leadership position and granted to Dayzle of Anticosti on June 25th. Shortly after this, mrclucky123 would never be seen or heard from again.

Immediately into Dayzle’s leadership he would reach out to new players and create stronger relationships with those who had remained.  From July 25 to July 31, four more towns would join Canada:  Acadie (Now Acadia), Quebec, Montréal, and Hudson-Bay.  All of these cities (excluding Montréal which would be erased by a server wide rollback) would go on to become major political, construction oriented, and economic centers in Canada.  With new committed citizens that all specialized in contributing something unique and engaging to the nation, Canada would find itself in a prime situation for rapid expansion.

The Era Of The Sun - July

To be continued.