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Revision as of 18:13, 8 August 2018 by >Foxyvsfreddy2 (Grammar)
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The nation of Earthera was founded by IanSpace71 on Feb. 24, 2018. It is a globalist nation. The capital is Mergopolis, the main areas (Capital state) are The Solomon islands and New Guinea. The nation is part of the Central Powers alliance.



Earthera has been involved in two main wars; The Central Alliance vs Axis war, and the 'Lantau vs pretty much all' war. The Central powers vs. Axis war was a victory for Earthera, resulting in Earthera gaining influence over most of previously German-controlled New Guinea. The 'Lantau vs. everyone' war was an embarrassing failure for all except Lantau. Earthera accepts defeat in that war(Despite Lantau’s civilian kills and Ender Crystal-ing), while others say they won.

Some other minor wars were the war on terror(Fighting tp killers and scammers mainly), a phoney war with Canada(No battles, just harsh words), a war with Prestige Global(Fake globalist run by DjMinorMC), and the Global Empire(False globalist run by bunny119).


The nation’s golden age was from March 2018 to May 2018, and started to decline in June and July. The only major success in those months was the Central Powers vs Axis war.

Artical by IanSpace71. Liek and subscreebe