First German Empire (Classic)
German Empire
The German Empire was the second incarnation of the German nation. It was created sometime in 2017 by Caarliitoo. It is noted for having claimed almost all of Germany, and it disbanded sometime in 2017, replaced by the German Democratic Republic. It was officially called "Germany", however it is referred to as the German Empire for ease of reference.
Early Empire
It was created by Caarliitoo a while after the Holy Roman Empire disbanded. Its capital was centre in the well known city of Danzig.
Golden Age of the Empire
Late Empire
Renaissance of Egoism
The time of the late German Empire saw Ego Sum Jeffum in his highest point of notiriety. He was especially known for the Jing revolution and attempting to establish the incredibly historically disputed German Democratic Republic.
Berlin Crisis
The Berlin Crisis was the final nail in the coffin to the German Empire. The once lively Empire had already been suffering from instability and a series of issues along it's borders, however the random disbanding of Berlin led to an extreme catastrophe in the nation.
This article is a stub due to lack of information and chronology of the events across the span of this enormous nation.