Help Page
This page is dedicated to help on the wikia and the basics of the server.
In Game Questions and Anwerss
The following questions and answers deal with the gameplay on the server.
Wikia Questions and Answers
The following questions and answers deal with creating pages on the wikia.
How to I make an article?
To make an article, select "ADD" button in the upper right hand side of the screen. Type the title of your article, and then click "next". Once you begin making your article, for more options it is recommended to use "Classic Editor" which can be accessed when you begin editing using the drop down menu next to the editing button. The toolbar allows you to make lists, change font size, embolden letters, and many other functions. Using the source editor is the most advanced editor, although editing can be more complex.
How do I link an article?
To link your article you want to place two brackets on each side of the word or phrase that is the title of the article you wish to link to. In some editing modes typing "[[" will prompt you with a box to type the article link in. Using the source editor, which is the rawest form of editing, using two brackets on each side is the best way.
The Town of [[Ulm]]
would appear as
The Town of Ulm.
How do I use an infobox on my article?
An infobox, like the example on the right, presents a large amount of helpful information in a fast way. There are several infobox templates specifically for EarthMC, including for towns and nations. Go to one of the infobox template pages listed here for the code you need. Others are also available.
Next copy and paste the code provided in the boxes on those pages ofr the template you want, then paste it in the source editor onto your article. Where it says "xyz=example" edit the example to match the xyz. If for example the xyz is nation and you're working on the town template, replace the "example" text with the nation the town is in.