Duchy_of_Izhevsk is founded by W_Churchill_ and CjIsUwU with the capital Izhevsk in June 17, 2021.
Historical Events :
Duchy_of_Izhevsk joining Golden Federation.
Duchy_of_Izhevsk declaring war and leaving Golden Federation.
CjIsUwU leaving the country.
Duchy_of_Izhevsk joining Russian Empire as a colony.
Felixxy1 being a prince (Chancellor).
South_Russia joining Duchy_of_Izhevsk as a province.
South_Russia leaving Duchy of Izhevsk.
Duchy of Izhevsk unifiying with Arkhangelsk
Government :
King (Leader) : W_Churchill_
Princes (Chancellors) : Felixxy1,AsterixG
Parlement : Felixxy1,W_Churchill_,AsterixG,D1T2C34
Towns :
New_Severny - AsterixG - (Fallen)
Tashkent - JTR5 - (Fallen)
konchitgrad - Fox_on_ph - (Alive)
Felixxy1 - Laenteglos - (Alive)
W_Churchill_ - Izhevsk - (Alive)
WisneWotka - Kunara - (Alive)
Luckari - Pazar - (Alive)
Shiclone - 5 - (Alive)
The_Burned_Man - alanoa - (Alive)