Polish State
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This article is part of a series on the Poland.
Polish State was a nation established on 18th January 2019 by rebels from towns of Szczecin, Poznan, Brzesc, Biala Podlaska, and Bialystok and is a part of First Polish Civil War. It was formed as a competition against Mlecz, who was considered by a dictator and power-hungry king. Rebellion happened two weeks after predecessor's retirement, xHyper20, and an announcement about his successor, Mlecz. It seemed very unfair for Polish high-ranked people, because he could get the throne anytime he wanted, despite fact that he was doing not much. This rebel nation eventually won the war on 27th of January 2019 after Gdansk, capital of Polish Kingdom, joined Polish State. This Poland existed until April of 2019 when Snowyy4K sold Szczecin and Polish State for Danes for 1000 gold.
xHyper20's abdication
In the end of December of 2018, xHyper20 announced that he will be abdicating and new ruler of Polish Kingdom will be MlecznySernik. Mlecz's dislikers which were majority of noblemen were angried because they were treated unfairly. In their opinion Mlecz was considered as a bad and unjust ruler and he could manipulate his friends to get the throne anytime he wanted. Members of so-called parliament, kacp222 and Majoor_ along with their friends like panciast, Ravi8888 and POGKPP started to a plan a rebellion.
Planning a rebel nation
There were many tough discussions in rebellion group chat, how would they organise Polish State. Position and priviliges of an unit mostly depended on an amount of fundation and effort put into creation of the state - the higher it was, more stuff player gets. In the aftermath, Szczecin became a capital, kacp222 and Majoor_ became both kings and some people got high ranks in the nation.
First Polish civil war
Szczecin left Poland on 13th of January 2019, then Bialystok and other allied towns did same hours and days later. Five days later there were several rebel towns which dominated Polish Kingdom and Majoor_ established Polish State, and rebels instantly joined new country.
Expansion and end of the war
The new rebel nation quickly expanded over Poland and had most of Polish cities in their hands, including most influential and biggest ones, such as Szczecin, Wroclaw, Warsaw and Bialystok. They all and Gdansk were biggest towns in Poland and MlecznySernik controlled only one of them. It was clear that the rebellion win will the war soon. War ended on 27th of January 2019 when MlecznySernik abdicated one day earlier and gave mayorship over Gdansk to Hyper. He negotiated with rebels and soon Gdansk joined rebellion state, ending civil war for good.
Rebellion of the overthrown
Mlecz outraged by this situation quickly contacted xHyper20 and somehow convinced him to give Gdansk back, then he, hours after the war's end, left new Polish state and created Pomerania with capital being Gdansk. This rebel would lose the war and collapse three months later.
Collapse of new Poland
Leaders of Polish State, kacp222 and Majoor_ quarreled with eachother over having not only power in Poland but over many aspects, and eventually Majoor_ decided to abolish diarchy and implement an absolute monarchy on 13th of March 2019. He kicked kacp222 from King's position illegitimately and people were annoyed by this situation. But few days later Majoor was disappointed with situation in Polish State so he would abdicate and pass throne to someone else. He chose that it would run as elections between two candidates, both famous and important in Polish State - Snowyy4K and dymoslaw, both mayors of two biggest towns in Poland. A vote began on 18th of March 2019, and at the end of voting, Snowyy4K won with double votes, probably because of bribing and corruption during elections.
The state began to collapse right after selection, because dymoslaw started to bribe people into joining Intermarium, as he didn't accept his loss and would be promised to rule over new planned region of Intermarium, Poland, but it all went slowly, and the collapse of Poland advanced after the new King posted a highly controversial poll, probably on 23rd of March 2019, if Poland should become Danish vassal because he thought that Poland "anyway would go into more crises". Players were angered and were leaving Poland. Few days later, in very end of March of 2019, Snowyy disappointed by this situation eventually sold Poland to Denmark for 1000 gold ingots and it's a date when Poland collapsed.
With several Polish towns rejoining Pomerania or Intermarium, Denmark didn't want that therefore they declared war on Pomerania. It's unknown what happened to Polish State but probably this nation was disbanded months later.