Riktofground (Classic)

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General Information

Riktofground is a small town built on top of the ruins of an abandoned, Dutch-speaking city in the Northern Caucasias, belonging to the PWW with the mayor being SentientP0tat0. The town got it's name from a sign inside one of the town's mineshafts that read "Richting de Afgrond", which meant "Towards the Abyss" in Dutch. Putting the words "Richting" and "Afgrond" together (sorry "de") made Riktofground, hence the name, Riktofground. The name for something relating to Riktofground or somebody from Riktofground is called a Riktof, as Russia is to Russian or Germany is to German. The flag from top to bottom goes Black-Red-White, as seen in the photo. The town of Riktofground, despite being in its infancy, has a long history behind it, with most of it being lost by the test of time

Pre-Eskimo Era

A presumably long time ago, Dutch (or at least Dutch-speaking) settlers in search for gold ventured east into the Caucasias and settled along a river just Northeast of Abkhazia, eventually turning their small settlement into an impressive city and might have even built the long stone road stretching from Alexandria to Munich, and joined an unknown nation. The city did not last the test of time, however, as it was somewhere along the road heavily raided and bombed by invaders, and in a blind rage, the mayor disbanded the town, not to be touched by a single settler for many months.

On the 22nd of July, Alaskan settlers looking for new lands and opprotunities found the long-abandoned town and decided to settle there, thus starting the Riktof Era