Talk:Federative Republic of Brazil/@comment-38280536-20190131202925

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Revision as of 22:29, 31 January 2019 by >TwisterSelvagem (Created page with "Hello everyone. I'm Twister. I'm here to talk about the lies lies written here. I've created one nation with my money and donations of friends. I've never kicked out of the po...")
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Hello everyone. I'm Twister. I'm here to talk about the lies lies written here. I've created one nation with my money and donations of friends. I've never kicked out of the positivo. O called one plebiscite, and i Washington vitory. I and other cities don't like Heinz and his ditatorial government, só we create one New Nation. This text wrotte for some integralist of Heinz Washington wrotte just for denigrate I anos Aettos. Heinz called some foreight for the plebiscte which i Washington vitory. Heinz was trying denigrate me and cause my endereço, becouse i was and am democratic. ALL the cities with active people hase gone with me.