The 30/7 Celestian Attacks (Classic)

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The 30/7 terrorist attacks on Celestia was a set of bombings and terror attacks that happened in Celestia on July 30th, 2019, following the July 24th Celestian attack.

After the July 24th Celestian attack, the city was rebuilt, but was mostly deserted, and the World Union was not able to get a hold of the entire city.

On July 30th, terrorists led by Communist_Glory gathered tnt and bombed the entire north side of Celestia, which was not under Celestian control. Later, the terrorists surrounded and beat Celestian founder imabritishcow, but they escaped thanks to Celestian troops. An epic battle commenced between mayor MojangCrafter999 and the leader of the terrorist organization, leading to a stalemate and the terrorist group fleeing.

Later, during night, the terrorists rebombed Celestia, leading to widespread devastation. The town hall of Celestia remained untouched.