The Accordo Manuscripts
The Neo-Praxian Manuscripts is a book written but never finalised and signed by SlyPrince, becoming lost after his permanent ban. It detailed the beliefs of Neo-Praxianism.
Book Text
"As a result of witnessing, observing and administrating various successful nations that have achieved a long lasting legacy, i have come to the following conclusions that act as the central beliefs of Neo-Praxianism.
Neo, indicating a new or revived form of something clearly shows the link that Neo-Praxianism has with the original form of Praxianism, however it also has many differences.
The main principles behind Neo-Praxianism are that a nation and its citizens should strive to build, preserve and amplify the strength, beauty and prosperity of their nation in all of their actions and decisions. They should also be willing to do, and actively do, anything to achieve this.
Nations should always prepare themselves for war, and not shy away from it. In war, nations should be free to use any tactics that they believe are ethical and necessary, only to be judged by their peers and not superior server authorities.
Nations should only seek to expand through regional colonisation and natural growth, and should actively oppose those who attempt to grow through globalism or trans-continental colonisation.
- Duped Gold Works Wonders.
- We do not mine, we dupe the gold we need.
Foreign Policy
- All nations must be ready and willing to, as well as actively, take part in warfare. Otherwise they cannot expect to survive and build a legacy.
- Nations should be able to use all tactics available to them in order to achieve victory and glory, guided only by their morals and ethics, not rules imposed on them from above.
- No nation is more toxic and doomed to wither than a 'neutral' nation that remains politcised. Notable examples include Japan and the CCCP.
- Even so, Neo-Praxianism discourages neutrality as it puts nations at risk of losing the support and good favour of both sides, who feel betrayed by the neutral party.
- Neo-Praxianism also focuses on the resistance against trans-continental colonisation and globalism.
Government and Politics
- If Me, Sly, am not Emperor I will nuke the shir out of you.