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redirects from Avalⱷnickcei, Avaloonecei and የአቫሎን ቋን


Flag of avalon.png

Avalonese is a Germanic and Norse-derived language used by the early avalonese settlers, today government officials in Avalon are required to learn it in order to govern, and learning it is a very important skill in the nation.

"Ohelⱷ!" - Avalonese word for 'Hello!'



Avalonese language yes.png

The Modern Standardized Avalonese Alphabet consists of 29 letters, 6 of which are vowels and 23 of which are consonants. All Avalonese citizens know at least a portion of the alphabet even if they do not know Avalonese. It is ingrained in their culture.

the Letters

These will go in order from beginning to end, and will include the letter, the english pronunciation, and the Avalonese pronunciation.

A, "A". Pronounced as the A in 'cat'

B, "Be" Pronounced as the B in 'boom'

C, "Ce" Pronounced as the S in 'site'

D, "De" Pronounced as the D in 'date'

E, "E" Pronounced as the E in 'bet'

F, "Ef" Pronounced as the F in 'fray'

G, "Ge" Pronounced as the G in 'game'

H, "He" Pronounced as the H in 'hate'

İ, " İ " Pronounced as the EE in 'three'

J̇, " J̇ " Pronounced as the Y in 'yeet'

K, "Ke" Pronounced as the K in 'kite'

L, "el" Pronounced as the L in 'elite'

M, "Em" Pronounced as the M in 'minute'

N, "En" Pronounced as the N in 'night'

Ŋ, "Eŋ" Pronounced as the NG in 'english'

O, "O" Pronounced as the O in 'hone'

P, "pe" Pronounced as the P in 'pee'

R, "Er" Pronounced as the first R in 'territory'

S, "Es" Pronounced as the SH in 'shoe'

T, "Te" Pronounced as the T in 'tie'

U, "U" Pronounced as the U in 'bump'

Ŭ, "Ŭe" Pronounced as the W in 'wonder'

V, "Ve" Pronounced as the V in 'vent'

Þ, "Þe" Pronounced as the TH in 'the'

Ⱶ, "Ⱶe" Pronounced as the TH in 'think'

Ꝏ, "Pⱷ" Pronounced as the OO in 'poo'

X, "Xe" Pronounced as the SI in 'fusion' (ZH sound)

Y, "Ye" Pronounced as the J in 'just'

Z, "Ze" Pronounced as the Z in 'zone'

the Diphthongs

It is also to note that Avalonese also has diphthongs, here they are.

Aİ, "A-İ" Pronounced as the I in 'kite'

Eİ "E-İ" Pronounced as the EY in 'hey'

Oİ "O-İ" Pronounced as the OY in 'boy'


Modern Avalonese (or just Avalonese)

Modern Avalonese is the current version of Avalonese spoken on the EarthMineCraft.NetWork server, and is often just called Avalonese for simplicity. It is very similar in the way Latin is in which Avalonese is spoken by political figures and idiots who learn it in school but don't use it, while English is the language of the commonfolk, and English is primarily used in foreign affairs. There was once a push to convert the main language to Avalonese but failed simply because there was such a deep root in the commonfolk for the english language and because learning a language with both a thorn and double letters is stupid hard, although an unexpected outcome was the invention of Anglicized Avalonese, which is a mix of Avalonese and English and much easier to learn.

An example of Modern Avalonese thus follows:

Avalonese: "Eŋelckei erc veldiyi ctincundoi og fortunerai a bli fjorvicytxai fra þet Avalⱷnickcoi lekⱶikoneytzei ⱶor þe vanligoi menⱷneskeri blir þor leiydoi"

English: "English is very stinky and deserves to be exiled from the Avalonese lexicon before the commonfolk get too lazy"

Anglicized Avalonese

one time the Avalonese government tried to impose Avalonese upon the english-speaking majority in order to unify avalon in language and to make Avalonese more than just a "you speak it you're my daddy" language, this was tried did not work as the English-speaking majority had a connection with their first language and dared not to learn a language with both a thorn and Double letters in it, this did however have the unintended consequence of the invention of Anglicized Avalonese, a subtype of Avalonese more intertwined with english than other languages, it is a registered minority language as only 15-25% of the population speaks it and is used in foreign situations such as with English-Speaking countries.

An example of Anglicized Avalonese thus follows:

Anglicized Avalonese: "Engelsk airs veldij stinsund og fortuner ta blee forvijizt from de Avaloonees lekthikzon bethor de vanlig menooneshker bleer thor lajd"

English: "English is very stinky and deserves to be exiled from the Avalonese lexicon before the commonfolk get too lazy"

Ancient Avalonese

was the language of the Avalonese settlers before and slightly after arriving on Newfoundland Island, nobody speaks it as a first language today but it is used in religious affairs and gatherings based on the nation's religion Pissism and many Shites have to learn it as a second language in order to read out sermons correctly, it is also one of the first requirements for becoming the Poop. Many ancient relics are engraved with Ancient Avalonese such as the Pee Pee monument.

An example of Ancient Avalonese thus follows:

Ancient Avalonese: "የእንግሊዝኛ ቋንቋ መጥፎ ነው እና ህዝቡ በጣም ሰነፍ ከመሆኑ በፊት ከአቫሎን መዝገበ ቃላት ቋንቋ መሰደድ አለበት።"

English: "English is very stinky and deserves to be exiled from the Avalonese lexicon before the commonfolk get too lazy"

Avalonese Slang

Avalonese Slang is not really a language, but instead is various terms and paraphrases used by Avalonese speakers when communicating, usually in a rural environment. There is no up-to-date list as it constantly changes, but here is a list going in no particular order.

Oh Poop - Avalonese way of saying "Oh Crap" or "Oh S*it"

"Oh Poop! i left my gold at home!"

!pee - A reference to a bot used on the Avalon discord where if this term were to be said the bot would make a weary expression next to a splash of pee.

"Hey, you wanna see something funny?"




д? - an Avalonese symbol similiar to the use of & however instead of representing the word "and" it represents the word "what"

"Goats are like mushrooms, if you shoot a Duck; I'm scared of Toasters"


Poop Dealer(s) - Avalonese slang for a player who deals in cocoa beans and other dyes, could also be referring to one of the factions of the Poop Dealer vs Penis Inspector Gang War

"so i was in Chicago N spawn the other day, weird place. They had too many Poop Dealers"

Penis Inspector(s) - Avalonese slang for a new player who has never seen a Pee Pee before and feels to need to look at it, or even lick it, could also be referring to one of the factions of the Poop Dealer vs Penis Inspector Gang War

"On our last crusade, we were about to head more north when this Penis Inspector came to one of our Pee Pees and started licking it. I love 'em"

Crusade - refers to the action of a group of players placing several Pee Pees down while going a direction, Also called a Pissism Crusade

"hey do you know when the next crusade is?"

Casual Sex - terminology used to describe how a crusade is going or how a crusade went. Casual Sex means that during the crusade, nobody had to engage in PvP with an attacker or innocent bystanders, or was attacked themselves.

"i'm tired of these crusades always bein' about Casual Sex nowadays"

Competitive Sex - terminology used to describe how a crusade is going or how a crusade went. Competitive Sex means that during the crusade, at least one person engaged in PvP with an attacker or innocent bystanders, or was attacked themselves.

"Enough casual Sex, time to go Competitive"

Ballgod Armour - the terminology used for Godarmour that the Avalonese and other Pissist Nations use

"yo i lost my Ballgod Armour on that on crusade we took, can i borrow yours?"

Seccellent - Avalonese slang for an amazing situation

"Hey, how was the Crusade?"

"Oh it was Seccellent!"

QT(s) - refers to underaged girls and women

"Mate, this place is too weird. This person has waaaay too many QTs on his plot"

Naked(s) - refers to new players who just spawned and have no armour on

"You know, we were all Nakeds at some point of our lives"