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Template:ReligionInfobox Bruhboxism is a religion which often occurs in eastern Antarctica (mainly observed by in KAPSK). There followers are called Bruhboxers.


The beginning of Bruhboxism was most likely on 8th December 2019 in Mossow, KAPSK. The Reichskanzler of KAPSK, Spitzhacke10000, received his first bruh box, opened it and won 32 gold. He discovered the value of those boxes and collected bruh boxes from every player in KAPSK including DiamantAxt9494. Spitzhacke10000 dug a two-block-deep hole at the first pole of the ice highway station in Mossow. In this hole he put a chest with every bruh box collected calling the hole "the sacred Bruh Box shrine". Bruh boxes are stored in the shrine to this day.


  • Every Friday religious Bruhboxers craft a paper. At exactly 6 PM they rename it to "bruh" in an anvil. Then they drop the item and wait four minutes and fifty-eight seconds. Just two seconds before the item despawns it is being picked up again. Now the "bruh"-paper gets thrown into the fire. For the next five minutes the Bruhboxer can express a wish.
  • Every Monday priests are crafting five sheets of paper. These sheets of paper are named "The holy sacred Paper Of The Bruh". The priest throws every Holy sacred Paper Of The Bruh into a soulsanded water source. When the item is getting shot out of the water (minecraft physics) the item is officially consecrated. Every player receives a Holy sacred Paper of The Bruh.
  • When a player receives a bruh box there is an opening ceremony in front of their house. In this ceremony a block of netherrack is placed between two redstone torches. Below these redstone torches another redstone torches are placed. A redstone clock powers the redstone torches. The torches are now flickering. The player who received the bruh box stands on the netherrack and opens the bruh box. A fire gets ignited and The holy sacred Paper Of The Bruh (refer to point two) gets thrown into the fire.
    The player can also decide that they want to store the bruh box in the bruh box shrine.
  • Players can write peaces of paper with a wish written on the paper into a fire placed on a netherrack block. There is a chance that the wish gets fulfilled.


  • The Bruh
    The Bruh is a mystical creature that is mostly in the shape of a bee producing paper or a sheep carrying paper instead of wool. On these papers The Bruh writes the word "bruh". Sometimes The Bruh loses a paper. When a player picks up a Lost Paper they have the right to become a priest.
  • The Flame
    The Flame is a fire that can even survive in rain. Every fire ignited on a netherrack block becomes a courier of The Flame. If a player throws a written peace of paper with a wish into one of the couriers of The Flame the wish goes directly to The Flame who is going to decide if he fulfills the wish.

Sacred places

  • The sacred Bruh Box Shrine, a buried chest in Mossow where bruh boxes are stored.
  • The Bruh church, a lighthouse off the coast of Antarctica near the town of New Snork.
  • The right hand of The Flame, a fire blazing in a secret room in Mossow. It's assumed that Spitzhacke10000 built the room and forgot it's location. Nobody knows where the room is. People have dug gigantic holes underneath Mossow but never found the room.
  • Supreme Church, a East-Frisian-style church in the Mossow District of Niedermossow. Only there Holy Sacred Papers of The Bruh can be created.