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Mukachevo was a hamlet founded December 1st, 2018 in Ukraine region part of Intermarium (Minskan Rus/Baltoslavia). Mukachevo was an ever-expanding town, the town had claimed 20+ chucks in a short time after founding. The Mukachevo build style consisted of old village/midevil.



In the beginning, the hamlet founder, Pickyman was a new citizen of the nation Qin, a nation that the Intermarium was not friendly towards. Pickyman soon decied to leave the town after reciving a DM from a user (at the time) ScaryDragon_, as the town was not, "progressing", and the towns people were "fooling around". After leaving ScaryDragon_ and Pickyman organized a plan to establish a new settlement for nation. Pickyman went through with the plan and the hamlet of Mukachevo was formed.

Balkan War

On January 12th, 2019, after Austria-Hungary declared war on Byzantium, which violated the Intermarium Alliance, Mayor Pickyman closed the hamlet borders in an effort to keep towns people safe. Later, the Minskian (later Intermarium) Parliament narrowly ruled that the general nation would not join the Balkan War. Rather, individual towns would have the right to join the war. After this ruling, Janauary 13th, Mayor Pickyman proposed a referandum if Mukachevo should join the war, provide resources, or stand down. Fortinatly, the turnout was low, resulting in no action towards the war.