New Frankfurt

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Revision as of 10:07, 12 September 2019 by >Stalinz
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New Frankfurt (Period)

New Frankfurt is referring to Frankfurt after the 7th of June, 2019, as the 8th of June was the first time BlockForcer's new account ever joined the server since weeks. On the 9th of June DanielPoli would join the server, improve the town and invite BlockForcer and promote him to Co-Mayor once again.


The government of Frankfurt is a mix of an oligarchy and democracy.

Frankfurt Today

Today Frankfurt is now occupied by the German Reich, as DanielPoli gave up and handed the town over to them, and building a fountain. BlockForcer logged on to discover this and moved to Britain immediately. All he'd done, was for nothing. Currently Frankfurt is a small town in Germany below poverty, and it isn't going to improve any time soon.