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Portugal, officially the Kingdom of Portugal, is a nation based in Western Iberia, sharing the peninsula with neighbours Spain.

The nation of Portugal consists of 5 cities, with 1 city, the city of Panchorra, being located in Spain. The other 4 cities, Coimbra, Lisbon, Evora and Faro, all share a connected metro system and engage in fluent and beneficial trade.

Iberian Referendum

On the 24th March 2019, Pengun78, the reigning King of Spain, delivered a message to iDa3m0n, offering a personal union with the Kingdom of Portugal and thus forming the nation of Iberia.

iDa3m0n decided to allow the citizens of Portugal to vote on this matter.

On the 27th of March 2019, the people of Portugal decided to remain as a sovereign nation, with 5 Citizens voting Nay and 2 Citizens voting Yea. After this, iDa3m0n stated that Portugal would remain close allies with Spain, despite deciding to remain as an Independent nation.