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All the Cities that make up Portugal

Portugal, oficialmente Reino de Portugal, é uma nação sediada na Península Ibérica, que compartilha uma península com uma Espanha.

The nation of Portugal consists of 4 cidades Coimbra, Lisbon,,rmamar and Lusitania. Some of these cities share a connected metro system, allowing them to participate in a fluent and beneficial trade.

Iberian Referendum

On the 23rd of March 2019, Pengun78, the King of Spain, delivered a message to iDa3m0n, offering a personal union with the Kingdom of Portugal and thus forming the nation of Iberia.

iDa3m0n decided to allow the citizens of Portugal to vote on this matter, with Pengun78 doing the same for all Spanish citizens.

On the 27th of March 2019, the people of Portugal decided to remain as a sovereign nation, with 5 Citizens voting Nay and 2 Citizens voting Yea. After this, iDa3m0n stated that Portugal would remain close allies with Spain, despite voting to remain as an independent nation.


Several cities have already been part of Portugal, but the majority no longer exist due to inactivity such as Faro, Porto (Portugal), Viana do Castelo among others.

The largest city was until April 15, 2020 Faro, which on that day was dissolved due to inactivity, nowadays Coimbra is the largest city with 97 plots of area.

The oldest city is the capital Coimbra.

The newest and smallest city is Armamar with 12 plots of a.ea.

Board: A eterna cidade dos estudantes. (The eternal city of students)

Mayor: ID3m0n

Residents: 3

Founded: November 27, 2018

Town Size: 97/34


Board: Todo mar é nosso (The whole sea is ours)

Mayor: VegetaPT

Residents: 1

Founded: October 16, 2019

Town Size: 28/18


No Board

Mayor: ProKiii

Residents: 1

Founded: December 19, 2019

Town Size: 49/18


No Board

Mayor: Posso_GO

Residents: 1

Founded: February 18, 2020

Town Size: 15/18


Board: Deveriamos estar no norte mas estamos no sul e adoramos umas boas batatas. (We should be in the north but we are in the south and we love some good potatoes)

Mayor: polystation4

Residents: 1

Founded: February 24, 2020

Town Size: 12/18