Saint Ignatius of Tikal

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The town of Saint Ignatius of Tikal, or just Tikal was established in the ruins of the ancient city of Tikal which had been abandoned leaving just a couple of buildings behind. The town is located in the lush jungles of Guatemala.


After having spawned off the coast of northern Brazil, TheOrbsIsHere trekked through the jungles of South America and then navigated the Caribbean sea. Afterwards he landed on Hopkins in the east coast of the Yucatan Peninsula and walked until he stumbled upon the ruins of Tikal, which had been destroyed in certain areas. He decided to found a city in there. His first actions were to build a church near the Temple of the great jaguar, which due to the constant raids from Carolina was a lengthy task. After a while TheOrbsIsHere and his councillors managed to save enough gold to found it, but as he was about to found the city, Death15896 and his band attacked the group, which managed to protect the gold by passing it around and running through the jungles of Yucatan. After that the city was founded on top of the temple


During the following weeks the inhabitants of Tikal continued claiming more land while continuing to flee from attacks from Carolina, including several assassination attempts by Death15896 while outside of the town. Several new buildings were constructed while more people joined the town. The ban of Death15896 brought a lot of peace to the town


The Great Jaguar Temple

The Great Jaguar Temple is the main hub of Tikal and has remained mostly untouched since its original building by the previous inhabitants.

The Ball Game Field

Built in order to play the traditional Mesoamerican ball game which involves rubber balls.

The Church of Saint Ignatius

The church of Saint Ignatius was the first building built by the current inhabitants and it features a mass room and 2 bell towers.

The Tower

The tower was built originally in order to spot enemies through the thick jungles of Yucatan, specifically Death15896. It features several floors with different angles.

The Noble District

Which features the residencies of the highest-ranking members of the town such as the Jesuit Manor, and the Palace of TheOrbs