In Latin "Puppis Terram" and in Gaulisc "Lithhr Cachas"
Co-Founded by BabeRuth, DoubleHomicide (formally known as John Wayne Gacy), and sooner than later, NitroDioxide (The Fecal Merchants).
On May 2019, two brave explorers under the known as BabeRuth and JohnWayneGacy (now known as of May the 3rd 2019 DoubleHomicide), went from Armenia to Romania via a magical portal and then from their ports across the world to Alaska. Although they had many natural enemies, from their fearless political outcries to their sole autistic love for shit and cobblestone, they founded cobblestone town, in which they began excavating the catacombs. The next day they would change their name to TiananmenSquare to provoke a certain and new player base gaining on the server, where many of this demographic would begin to swarm in a rage over the name, where JohnWayneGacy would be slaughtered and robbed. This prompted one final name change, and it's last one, Scatland.
The leading party in Scatland is the Glory Hole Foundation, which originated from the Lazy River Society. The lesser-known and the exiled party of Sovereign Swag is a no longer supported party due to the severe war crimes committed by them, although it is not illegal to support the party. Most of the SS party post-irradiation had been executed by the state or banished to never return, and only the supporting Populus remained.
Scatland uses it's citizens and removes the element of the proletariat class in place of a economical class of slaves where they are given free housing and expression but they must participate in religious ceremonies and sometimes construction, this housing is within the sewers known as Earth's largest toilet. This is because there are no toilets in the sewer houses, so the serfs or "citizens" excrement into the sewer by squatting.
Golem Gate
In the summer of 2019, Scatland had roughly 700 snow golem nicknamed the Logang that crashed the server, but because of the mafia connection, they survived the potential ban. The mods wiped most of the mobs on the server to rid of the lag (however some golems prevailed). In return, this crashed the economy of the server temporarily because of the server-wide mob wipe.
Golem Gate Aftermath / Monuments
The people of Scatland were deeply saddened by this new development, Scatland's representative Mob, the snow golem, were all killed, prompting a monument. This monument was a giant snowman constructed out of shit.

- The town motto is "Lithhr Cachas", meaning "Shit filled earth"
- Gaulisc is a language spoken by snow golems.
- Scatland is known and displayed proudly in one known museum.