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Revision as of 16:30, 8 August 2019 by >Barbay1 (Wilabum disappeared)
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Wilabum joined earthmc on April 10th 2019. He spawned in the middle east region but shortly after walked to India in hopes of making a nation there. After seeing the amount of gold it would take to make a nation he opted out of making a nation and went looking for a town to make his home. While asking around for towns She_Devil invited him into their town Gondwana a town on the southern tip of South America. Wilabum's time in Gondwana was short lived he felt limited by the 1 chunk area he was given. So he went off to make his own town in antarctica called Elyria. After making this town him and his town joined Glacial_Empire

Glacial Era

Wilabum joined Glacial during a middle of a conflict with Argentina called the cold crusade. His town quickly militarized and him and his town would regularly do attacks on Argentina. 2 weeks after joining Glacial_Empire Wilabum felt limited again and started mining to make a nation within 2 days him and his town were a nation.

Elyria Era

Wilabum made Elyria on may 2nd 2019 right after making Elyria Wilabum feared retaliation from Glacial_Empire and took steps to prepare for a fight but the retaliation never came and Glacial_Empire and Elyria became good allies.

Wilabum spent most of his time during this Era making alliances, building towns and helping with conflicts.

Shortly after making his nation Imperial_Brazil approached Elyria with an offer to make an alliance called Shield. Wilabum accepted this offer and is still in Shield to this day.

Wilabum helped fiance the growth of the towns Icicalia,Creative_Colour, and Utopia later he would also buy the town of WinterWelhm.

After getting Elyria to a good point he started looking outside his borders to make Colonies the first of these was Guyana made by Icicalities. After this he fought in a war with Carolina in a alliance made by him, Adaster, and Padpai. After all of this Wilabum was getting bored with the nearly fully built town of Elyria and wanted a change. Only time will tell what this change may be.

Victoria Era

After getting bored in Elyria Wilabum made the nation of Victoria while in Victoria he would be mostly inactive the only major event was the creation of Imperium Polaris.


Wilabum mysteriously disappeared from EarthMC Discord on Aug 8, 2019. No goodbyes were given, it appears he asked to have his account deleted.

Friends in Earth MC Live (EMCL) mourned him, especially DoctorSnakes (Chief Editor), who regarded him as a right hand man. Attempts were made to friend him and thank him for his help at EMCL.

I believe I speak for the EMCL staff when I say we hope everything is ok and wish him all the best.