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Quebec itself is a Melonist state, and our nation leader Hodin decided to make it the nation religion after we went on an expedition to South America, seeing the amazing city of Melun. We formed our own branch of the religion not knowing that it had existed in both South America and Europe. I would refer to it as Canadian Melonism. All of Quebec with an exception of a few inactive players practise this form of Melonism, with the most important towns being Montreal (Capital), Saguenay (2nd largest town) and Trois-Rivieres (4th largest city and fastest growing). Our main practises are mass producing melons to the scale of 100,000+ slices a month, with our main goal to spread these melons across the world, and building big projects, such as our planned 3 melonist cathedrals in the town mentioned above and a "Melon District" completely made of melons. We also currently have 1 melonist church and a melon factory which produces 99% of Quebec melons located in Montreal. I am the mayor of Trois-Rivieres, and I have another goal of making my town an industrial might, which means that I will produce more melons. If I choose so, I will start producing 1,000,000+ melon slices each month. This is an easy task, as we only need 180 melon producing automatic redstone machines, and we are 10% of the way there. The most important melonist figures in Quebec are enanemes_ (Founder of melonism in Quebec and Canada about 4-5 months ago), Hodin (Nation leader), Morgini (Canadian Empire PM), zaa_wardo (Priest), RonikJ (High follower), Bobbelbo (High follower), Vandetti (High follower), A_Macbook_Pro (High Follower), _20h (High Follower) and many others. Note that many Melonists are a part of the high government in Quebec, with everyone up there except zaa_wardo being a part of the government. Our religion is currently being spread across the Canadian empire because of our influence in the Empire's politics. Another big religion in Canada is Pissism, with Avalon following it. However, even though Avalon has spread Pissism to most of Canada, the effects of Melonism are being felt clearly. We now have followers in the nation of Canada as an example. Our branch of the religion officially started when we started producing thousands of melons. Because of this, we thought of a program called melons for all which eventually turned into the religion we have today.

A few other things to mention are the various other states that practise the religion (Not specifically Canadian melonism). I know of two specifically: Baffin and Cascadia. Baffin is a newly formed nation started by former Quebecer DarthValkrian, who is a Canadian melonist. Cascadia has a town called ChurchofMelon which also practises melonism. There are also many followers around the globe such as in New York, Berlin, Africa, etc...

This is all about Canadian melonism, and we hope to be recognised as good followers of this religion too. -enanemes_