Nova Venezia (Aurora)

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Nova Venezia is a town on EarthMC Terra Aurora which is owned by Kebabesiktas. Nova Venezia is located near real life Monastir on the coast of Tunisia. On September 3rd, when Kebabesiktas and his friends Hudson_Da_Beast (formerly apart of the infamous Turkish Mafia State) and RetroSkiing sailed off the coast of Catalonia looking for a new home, they stumbled across the remains of a small town that had rafts on water. They decided they settle there. At first they thought Porto_De_Tunisia was a good name, but considering there wasn't much of a port and it was very similar to Venetian building styles they named it Nova Venezia. They also thought it was a good fit as other African towns such as Tripoli in Libya are also named after European cities. Kebabesiktas got to work by reforming the town center first.