Chur (Aurora)

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The town of Chur was founded on 17 July 2022 by former Bern resident socialistcanada.

Chur was founded in a mountainous spot, with the average y-level being 140. With the help of AplleGamer04, DarkLady06, jammeeessss, and OmegaApeX_, Chur was flattened to y-level 107. 25 plots were claimed in 2 days to prepare for the town center of Chur. The four roads leading to Chur's town center are Vorbergstrasse, Sonnenstrasse, Teichstrasse, and Arbeitsstrasse. 4 houses in each street block were constructed totaling 16 houses, which completed central Chur.


Umsteigebahnhof of Chur

After the 16 main houses, the next main project in Chur was a tunnel to Zurich. A location was created for this project at the West-end of Vorbergstrasse. The plan was later scrapped because of inactivity in Zurich, and the open of the Swiss Ice-Road Link, constructed by OmegaApex_ of Sion.

Swiss Ice-Road

The Swiss Ice-Road was originally constructed as a quick connection between Sion and Chur. Later, Vaduz was added as the final stop for the East-bound line. Chamonix was later connected and so was Geneva. This became the main mode of transportation between Swiss cities. Soon, a new line was constructed towards Monaco, and a station was also opened at the Nation Spawn.

Political Buildings

Memorial for the Fallen Soldiers of Switzerland

Army Memorial

The location of the planned Chur-Zurich was later turned into a memorial for those who fought for Switzerland. This honors the several attacks on Switzerland and its citizens. Notable attacks on Swiss citizens are listed below.

  • Capital Massacre - In mid-July, citizens of Sahara and Indochina massacred Swiss nobles outside of the capital in an apparent coordinated attack. This prompted the dissolution of Swiss-Sahara diplomatic relations, and Switzerland refused to ally Sahara.
  • Western Conflict - An attempted attack on Swiss citizens was made near the Western Border with Lyon. This conflict resulted in one Indochinese casualty.
  • Aincrad Massacre - After the creation of Aincrad, two Swiss nobles and notable player __bruh69 were massacred outside the town by Saharan citizens, prompting urges to declare Sahara as an enemy. Within a few hours, Sahara was declared an enemy of Switzerland.

Yamato Embassy

Yamato Embassy in Chur, representing Fukuoka

Chur became the sister city of Fukuoka in early July, and a small Swiss embassy was opened there. Later, a massive three chunk Swiss embassy opened in Fukuoka, and talks were made to open a Fukuoka embassy in Chur. On 10 August 2022, Fukuoka Mayor Dcd_Dcd and Chur Mayor socialistcanada were married in St. Irene's Church of Chur, and the next day, construction began on the Yamato Embassy in Chur. The Embassy was later completed and stood tall amongst the other local buildings. The embassy building overlooks the mountains and creeks by Chur, and features its own Zen Garden. This embassy further improved relations between the towns of Chur and Fukuoka, and both towns have helped each other and provided for each other. The Swiss embassy in Fukuoka representing Chur plans on providing a visual representation between the relations of Yamato and Switzerland for the citizens of Fukuoka and neighboring towns to see. The mayors of Fukuoka and Chur both hope that these positive relations can continue between these countries without any conflicts in the way.