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Florida is a North American nation between the Gulf Coast, Caribbean and Atlantic Ocean. Its capital is the City of Miami. Its towns include other like North Florida, Tallahassee, Pensacola, Malibu, and Panem. The current king and mayor of Miami is Uhtred_of_bb. The nation of Florida was founded on June 23rd, 2022.

Florida's Flag
National Information
Full Name Florida
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Population 128
Chunks 1143
Capital City Miami
Largest City Miami
Oldest City Miami
Discord Caribbean Discord
Government Information
Political System
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information


(insert info about why it was created)

Wars and Disputes

Miami-Orlando claim war

From (insert date here) to (insert date here), Miami and Orlando (A cuban town in between North Florida and Miami) got into a claim war. This ended in Orlando getting claim blocked to expand south, and Miami getting claim blocked North.

Saint Domingue independence

On July 25th, a user by the name of RASPUTIN54 declared independence for Saint Domingue, a Caribbean town. He then made his own nation Tropico, and completely surrounded the town of Port au Prince in claims, completely blocking expansion anywhere for the town. This pressured the Caribbean and its provinces, including Florida, to declare war on the nation.

North Florida Skirmish

Due to increasing tensions with Cubans, who eventually went to war with Caribbean again after declaring peace May 20th, Florida and Orlando had a fight that broke out including 2 Floridians, one being the mayor of North Florida, and 3 cubans, one being the mayor of Orlando, on the border of the two towns. The Cubans then called backup due to being out geared compared to the Floridians, and in minutes 3 more Cubans arrive. The Floridians lured them into a trap setup in the North Florida town trapping and killing 4 of the the Cubans, 3 to a trap and one in PVP. Iberians then showed up to help their allies, which then made the Cubans bring even more back up. The situation turned to an all out brawl in between the many nations included. All the nations involved are unclear, but the mayor toggled PVP and let all the hostiles engage in combat. This was declared victory for Florida by TheDixieDragon, the mayor of North Florida.
