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This article is written and edited by Steedroat (Minister of Town Development Miami and Mayor of Tallahassee)

(This is a work in progress some thing are not finished yet)

Florida is a North American nation between the Gulf Coast, Caribbean and Atlantic Ocean. Its capital is the City of Miami. Its other towns are Pensaccola, Myrtle_Beach, East-Cuba, Ashville, Atlantia, Tallahassee, Vinales, Washington_DC, Panem, Echelon, Perea, Montgomery, Puerto_padre, and Port-au-Prince. The current king and mayor of Miami is Uhtred_of_bb. The nation of Florida was founded on June 23rd, 2022.

Florida's Flag
National Information
Full Name Florida
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Population 86
Chunks 1971
Capital City Miami
Largest City Miami
Oldest City Miami
Government Information
Political System
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information


On the first day of Aurora's opening, May 1st 2022, a player named Spiffles made the town of Miami, it was a mostly empty town and was more of a province, but throughout the month Spiffles grew the town while growing inactive. Once inactive he passed his town to his good friend Uhtred_of_bb who started to grow the town by adding tons of new players. Now with a high player count and mining constantly everyday he claimed tons of land. On June 23rd the nation of "florida" was made, later being renamed to "Florida" due to no capitalization in the name. Now growing a bigger nation, instead of Florida being a province of Caribbean they became more like close allies while still technically a province. Miami had bad relations with the town above them from the start. Kissimmee (now named Orlando) was a cuban owned town, the second biggest in size. The problem with this is because Caribbean just recently got out of a war with Cuba, ending May 20th 2022 only 3 weeks after the Miami was made as a Caribbean province. Tensions were high.

Wars and Disputes

Miami-Orlando claim war

During the later part of June, Miami and Orlando (A cuban town in between North Florida and Miami) got into a claim war. This ended in Orlando getting "claim blocked" to expand south, and Miami getting "claim blocked" North. This is what sparked the rivalry between Cuba and Florida with its allies.

Saint Domingue independence

On July 25th, a user by the name of RASPUTIN54 declared independence for Saint Domingue, a Caribbean town. He then made his own nation Tropico, and completely surrounded the town of Port au Prince in claims, completely blocking expansion anywhere for the town. This pressured the Caribbean and its provinces, including Florida, to declare war on the nation.

North Florida Skirmish

On September 4th, Florida and Orlando had a fight that broke out including 2 Floridians, one being the mayor of North Florida, and 3 cubans, one being the mayor of Orlando, on the border of the two towns. The Cubans then called backup due to being out geared compared to the Floridians, and in minutes 3 more Cubans arrive. The Floridians lured them into a trap setup in the North Florida town trapping and killing 4 of the the Cubans, 3 to a trap and one in PVP. Iberians then showed up to help their allies, which then made the Cubans bring even more back up. The situation turned to an all out brawl in between the many nations included. All the nations involved are unclear, but the mayor toggled PVP and let all the hostiles engage in combat. This was declared victory for Florida by TheDixieDragon, the mayor of North Florida.

Cuban-Floridian War

On the 22nd of September 2022, Montgomery, a cuban town, was bought by Floridian nation from a user named Haste. He was planning on leaving Cuba to join a different nation and planned on selling his town for weeks. After this Cuba, decides to make a town named key west, right under Miami. In retaliation, Florida makes East Cuba and Puerto Padre on the main Cuban island to get under Cuban skin. It worked since Cuba accused Uhtred of making a war declaration of independence and then were disproved by Uhtred himself. On the 25th of September Uhtred officially declared war due to them making Key West and accusing him.

IP Grabbing and Doxxing Incident

On October 2nd, a Floridian mayor would IP-grab the leader of Cuba, SuperiorGlitch following being killed in a PvP excursion. Jamsanfa, the mayor of the rebel town, Puerto Padre, was subsequently banned thus ceding control of the area to Cubans. In the weeks that followed other Floridian mayors would call the Cuban leader by his first name. Despite it legally being doxxing, mods said it was not a bannable offense since it was only his first name.

Battle of Crooked Islands

Crooked islands are a former, now deleted, town made by a player named ArticSharky06, about an hour previous to its deleting, the King of Florida had a standoff with a couple cubans and backed up by allies from the Russian Empire. During the battle Danum was killed by the remaining Cuban and lost his gear, but after his ally kills the cuban recovers the armor and gets a free trident after the cuban brings it to the fight.

(This following section is an interview with the King of Florida, Danum AKA Uhtred_of_bb)

Steed: So where was this battle and when?

Danum: Glitch's pussy every night.

Steed: Who fought with you?

Danum: Glitch's bitch.

Steed: Last, question why did the battle start in the first place?

Danum: Cuz Glitch is a bitch.

The ban of 0cnnt_

There is an abandoned Floridian town on the main island of cuba. The town is East Cuba. The mayor, 0cnnt_, got himself banned by use cheats on the server. He had an x-ray client and the mods caught him using it resulting in a ban. He tried appealing his ban, but the mods didn't let him back on the account. Now the town remains abandoned, due to the mayor being banned and not transferring his mayor role to somebody else.

Double betrayal

During the month of November, Florida lost two towns. The towns were North Florida and Birmingham. The two mayors that went rogue and joined Cuba were, (unknwon) and Thug_28. Gatorator was the original mayor of East Cuba, he was removed from Florida since he was friends with Lion_of_Judah and kept on causing trouble. Lion_of_Judah was another Mayor that betrayed us. Gatorator joined Cuba after being kicked out of Florida and they made hi the new mayor of Birmingham. Nobody is really sure why Thug_28 betrayed us. He never said anything before they left and did not complain about conditions of Florida. Thug, Gatorator, and (unknown) haven't been heard from since.


The government of Florida includes 11 mayors one of them being the king of Florida, and a couple aldermen.

These people include

  • Mayor/King of Miami and Florida: Uhtred_of_bb
  • Mayor of Ashville: Arcticsharky06
  • Mayor of Atlantia: FaZe_Finnfam
  • Mayor East Cuba: 0cnnt_
  • Mayor of Echelon: KYUREMJC
  • Mayor of Montgomery: bellogoat
  • Mayor of Myrtle_Beach: Dominiko_Mc
  • Mayor of Panem: DjoXtreme
  • Mayor of Pensaccola: randomuser6688
  • Mayor of Perea: EmreYeten
  • Mayor of Port-au-Prince: WeesnawNation
  • Mayor of Puerto_padre: Mystic_Moon29
  • Mayor of Tallahassee: SteedroatGaming (me)
  • Mayor of Vinales: HanRoad0907
  • Mayor of Washington_DC: TheDixieDragon