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Written by: KoalaBox


Mustache is a courageous,brave and,a well mannered respected man throughout EarthMC.He Debuted on the server May/14/2018.Mustache is very busy in France,especially in his campaign for the new title of the President of France.He is currently ranked in Colonizer for France at the moment.

Early Life

When he first joined the server he was recruited to Auckland,New Zealand by CallmeConman.His first memory's of his early days was when his house was demolished because "It was Ugly".Constant harassment from his own mayor made him leave.Mustache left for Europe in hopes for a better life.

Mustache made the a settlement named 'Pompeii' Located in Italy,this was short lived.The Mayor of Naples named PingSG claim blocked Pompeii,PingSG gave Mustache 32 gold and told him to get lost.The town of Pompeii lived for less than 2 hours and gave Mustache and bad impression of Europe.He felt as if he was not welcome anywhere.

Dunkerque-Royan / Bordeaux

After the rejection of Pompeii, Mustachegames and Phillybob777 set out for new land. After looking for a while, They found a nice wheat farm on some flat ground and settle it. The town that they settled would be called Dunkirk. 2 days after the founding of the town, Dunkirk gained it's first member. after getting harassed because his town didn't have the French version of "Dunkirk" in it's name. When he had enough he called up 1212ra and changed the town name to "Dunkerque". When the Republica of Romania fell, Mustachegames was left to join Germany. After being in Germany for a while. Sometime in mid June 2018, Mustachegames saw KadeTheDank online and joined France. On June 22nd, 2018, Mustachegames bought 6 plots of Royan off of paperpikmin. After Mustachegames collected enough gold again, he bought more plots. These new plot's that Mustachegames bought were changed from the old town hall to the Royan museum, from the apartment block to the Royan Royal Hotel. After Kadethedank refused to help out France, Mustachegames Changed the name of his town to Bordeaux and joined Monaco to unify France.

Monarch dynasty in France in MonaFrance

on July 13th, 2018, Mustachegames joined Monaco to unify France making MonaFrance. After setting up the name, Florene and Mustachegames decided to merge monarchies, making Mustachegames the King of MonaFrance.

French Election

After the Merge of ManaFrance there was a election that all people in France agreed was gonna be on the 20th, but Seranil "sped things up" and held the election on the 16th of July, 2018. After hearing of this election, Mustachegames called it a "Rigged election" so he sold his town and left France forever.

Wellington, New Zealand

After the Election Mustachegames left France forever and made Wellington, new zeland. Wellington joined Russia then join Island Union.