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Euphoria (Formally the Neo-Euphorian Empire), is a meganation found in the southwestern United States. It acts as a successor state to the Great Euphoria Empire, an empire found in Terra Nova, and it was also founded on the ashes of the pre-aurora empire of Zion. It is a highly theocratic empire, having Dreddism as it's nationally enforced religion. It consists of the nations of Nevada and Arizona.



Further information: Nevada, Great Euphoria Empire

Euphoria was a meganation found in Terra Nova, consisting of the nations of Columbia, Columbia River, Klondike, Victoria Island and October Island. When Terra Aurora was announced, the members of Euphoria planned to make Zion, a hypothetical meganation consisting of most of the southwest. However shortly after launch, Zion fell apart due to internal discontent and the member nations split apart.


There wasn't a definitive moment when Euphoria was founded, and there are 3 possible dates of founding. The first of which, and the earliest date, May 20th, 2022, was the founding date of the nation of Nevada, the core of Euphoria, and the current Imperial Province. The second, August 28th, 2022, was the founding date of Arizona, the first nation to be under Nevada (Thus the foundation of the meganation). And finally the third, September 16th, 2022, the 1 year anniversary of Columbian Independence (and Mexican Independence day), which the emperor , Dornan, considers the ceremonial date of founding.

Initial Decline

Much of the early period of Euphoria was stained with a heavy layer of mediocrity from inside of it. Starting in the latter half of September 2022, Dornan would begin to become inactive, a period which lasted all the way to January 2023. During this time most of the Imperial Province was compleately dead. Notably however, the nation of Arizona, led by Xyyz0, slowly but surely began to gain power, and by the end of 2022 it was the most active nation in the southwest.

Southwestern Crisis

Starting since August 2022, tensions between the nations of Euphoria and Cascadia have been rising constantly, and the crisis is still ongoing at some degree (March 2023). After the fall of Zion, former members AghastBlock and PrimeCyber teamed up to make the New Mexico Empire, an empire which had been constantly at odds with Nevada ever since the fall of Zion. After the fall of New Mexico, Aghast joined Cascadia and expanding rapidly, angering the nation of Arizona.

New Mexico

PrimeCyber and Dornan had been at odds co