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Albi is a town located in Southern France. It is minor city in Poitou-Charentes. But in fact, it is most populated city in Poitou-Charentes.


History of Albi is very short for now, Because it is founded in a week ago.

Early Age

Founding of Albi

Albi was founded in 2023. 5. 5. by susest, who is still mayor of Albi. Albi immediatly joined Poitou-Charentes after Albi was founded. The reason is that founder of Albi was used to be resident of Aiffres before he founded albi and it was promised join Poitou-Charentes.

Construction of Albi

Albi is still under construction. But rampart of Albi was built after few days later.


(Work in progress)

As it said before, there is rampart of Albi, which was finished in 2023. 5. 14 for the 3rd time.

Notable People

  • susest - The founder but also the mayor.
  • raegeon - Builder of Albi and 1st player to join this town except for the founder.