Albi is a town located in Southern France. It is minor city in Poitou-Charentes.
Founding of Albi
Albi was founded in 2023. 5. 5. by susest, who is still mayor of Albi. Albi immediatly joined Poitou-Charentes after Albi was founded. After Albi was founded, first built structure is rampart of Albi, which was built for defend itself. Rampart of Albi still expands when the town expands, because it is built on the border of Albi.
Buildings and Facilities
As it said before, there is rampart of Albi, which was finished in 2023. 5. 14 for the 3rd time, and there is Albigensian Railway. It is also finished at 2023. 5. 14. It would be pointless for transportaion, but it is good for look around the town. There is military camp too, but it is pretty useless for now.
Currently there is two subdivisions in Albi: