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Revision as of 02:37, 7 June 2023 by BopponaOpp#6537 (talk | contribs)
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The Beginning There once was a person named zagmi_ who joined EMC in April 26th, he joined many towns/nations and the last one he joined was Russia. He stayed there for 2 weeks until he had enough gold for a town

A Brand New Chapter After zagmi_ left his home town he chose to go to the Arctic for his town location and Koyukuk for his home nation. But during this time The Arctic and UMC (Indochina) we're breaking down. During that time Novaria was founded. Someone named Wbs__ helped set up Novaria

The Start Of Terrorism Since Novaria was a brand new town with only 2 residents and about 5 plots at the time, hunting was a big problem at the time, many hunters like Monkespin69 (aka Nexus) always targeted Novaria, because of that, many people from indochina came and hunted down Novaria.

The Great Depression of Novaria During this time, Novaria had lack of recourses and gold, this made Novaria go through a depression, this is also when terrorism started to grow by a ton reaching 2 hunters each 3 weeks. The leader of Novaria (zagmi_) lost about 3 enchanted diamond swords, 4 enchanted diamonds pickaxes 2 enchanted diamond axes and 3 sets of enchanted diamond armor.

Novaria's Land Boom During this time Novaria started to recruit townless people, the first resident being Kylereg. Kylereg joined the town around May 13 Kylereg played an important role in Novaria's Depression. Kylereg helped out build many things like the Founders Statue, build borders to keep out people from the UMC, and helped out with many other buildings. Another recruited resident was IanderThal. He joined on May 16th, he played a very important role in recourses, he mostly mined and got novaria wood, stone etc. But sadly he left the 29th of May, around this time Kylereg started to recruit residents by himself. During this time a person named FinneyMeBoi joined on may 22nd, he played a very important role in building/designing. He also learned how to recruit townless people by himself

Expansion During this time Novaria grew out of a settlement into a Hamlet, during this time Novaria had about 9 residents and 11 plots, during this time Novaria was growing more than expected, this is when Novaria began to make homes. This is when Novaria officially changed their flag. The red and black was changed to a Blue, black and white color scheme.

The New Novarian Flag

Now its June 6th 2023, Novaria now has 12 residents and 23 plots, and its now a village. Novaria has been through so much during the past month. and it has grown into a whole town. Battled through the UMC, gone through a depression and experienced a land boom. Novaria will live on till the end and will grow every day... Long live Novaria!