Free-market Capitalism (Laissez faire capitalism)

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EMC Definition

Free market Capitalism otherwise know as Laissez fair capitalism is a more extreme form of capitalism that goes beyond the normal definition of capitalism. In emc this is known as a nation with ABSOLUTE private reign of the economy allowing monopolies and higher competition.(This does not include scams) This includes the nation spawn having to be completely open and free reign over natural resources in a nation even by foreign nationals.

The move towards Free-market capitalism

The first person to widely use this form of capitalism was Scorpionzzx and SGTcartoon in 2020. Other shops also moved closer to this economic system instead of the traditional command market system of most EMC nations. Some of the other nations in 2020 that moved towards a more free market capitalism include Quebec,Alaska,Britain, and others. Notably New York and some other small nations had already started to use this system a while back but it had not gained popularity until around 2020. After creating a massive mall in /n spawn Canada in Rennes scorpion allowed all nation citizens and foreign businesses to have shops in the mall for FREE, the Canadian government did not charge any fees to set up or run a shop and provided free advertising to all businesses. Attracted by the profitableness of the mall the IKEA chain owned by BCOW corporation a massive discord shop with a monopoly over all other discord shops moved in next to the mall along with some other shops and also a casino. Scorpion, who owned a large portion of the shops in the mall fully automated his shops using advanced techniques,machines and buy signs. This resulted in Scorpionzzx absolutely blowing out the competition like /n spawn New York and Madagascar in total customers and revenue for a short period of a couple months. During this time SGTcartoon had also created a very popular nation called Kodiak full of privately owned shops with very competitive pricing. This period of epic economic growth and competition soon ended though after server owner fix decided to removed shop signs and later replace them with a inferior system that made it harder to fully automate shops. This was a obvious blow to the free-market capitalism and competition of EMC businesses and shops.

Many nations on EMC aren't true capitalism and are closer to mixed economies and command economies.

How it differs from regular capitalism/mixed economies on EMC

  • In laissez faire capitalism the government does not charge businesses to rent the shop (This is basically just taxing disguised as rent), instead there is either no fee or a 1 time fee to own a shop
  • The nation spawn leads and is near to other shops (not just the government owned business) or the main spawn shop has multiple businesses/players who sell items
  • Shops usually buy items using buy signs (Unlike most emc shops)
  • Higher competitiveness that leads to lower profit margins but higher number of sales and customers
  • Most "Capitalist" nations on emc are actually command market economies but laissez faire capitalism is TRUE capitalism that puts privately owned businesses near the nation spawn instead of a nation spawn dominated by a government owned or single business

Closest Examples

  • /n spawn Canada (2020)
  • /n spawn Alaska (2020)
  • /n spawn Kodiak (2020)
  • /n spawn New York
  • /n spawn Quebec (2020)
  • /n spawn Numidia (2020)

Examples of untrue free market capitalism

  • /n spawn SPQR (2020)
  • /n spawn Brazil (2020)
  • /n spawn Spain (2020)
  • /n spawn Persia (2020)
Reasonable exceptions
  • Spawns being enclosed because you are in a sand desert
  • Nation is too small to have multiple businesses at n spawn


  • Free reign over natural resources of the nation without regulation or fear of reprisal(with exception of sand deserts)
  • High competitiveness
  • No Government control or regulation of businesses
  • Government will not charge rent to operate a shop (This is basically just taxing disguised as rent)
  • Nation spawn that is not enclosed
  • No government fees to start or run a business
  • Nation spawn shop is not dominated solely by the nation leaders
  • Monopolies are allowed

Privatization of the Government Theory

Privatization of government is a economic theory and idea made by Scorpionzzx. In a privatized government some nation discord roles could be sold for gold and give the citizen who buys the roles benefits and influence in the Government in return. The cons to this are obvious and that is that you could introduce corruption in the nation witch is why this is only a idea. However the pro would be that the government would have more money to spend without having to tax individuals to gain revenue. It currency as of February 2021 has never been tested before.