Ethiopian Empire (Classic)

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General Information

The Ethiopian Empire was formed as an Independent Constitutional Monarchy with the capitol city of Addis Ababa originally on April 15th, 2018. The state was formed by His Excellency Emperor EmperorSelassie wishing to establish a beautiful African town to transform the general assumptions about the continent. He was joined by Ryacudo and Mimmik to help transform the capital city of Addis Ababa from an underground cave to an organised cultivated civilisation on the Horn of Africa. Today the Ethiopian Empire is a small nation, growing rapidly thanks to it's organised usage of land, strong architecture and welcoming residents.

History of the Ethiopian Empire

The Ethiopian Empire was never formed although it was planned to in the future. On April 22nd, 2018 Addis Ababa and Swahili united to form the Union of Eden to help develop the African continent as a whole. The Union of Eden worked together to fund each other's towns and encourage player participation and growth within all of its member states. EmperorSelassie served as the Emperor of the Union, however, he personally disliked the idea of unification with struggling towns and different cultures, personally favouring the development of his own town and the charitable donations to towns which he had hope in. The Union of Eden's military was practically non-existent and the town of Addis Ababa came under the short-lived military occupation of Lantau lead by 4noah18. The occupants left the town seeking no hope in negotiations as the Emperor refused to give into demands and offered the self-declared victorious forces a large supply of Melons.

Addis Ababa continued to grow after the brief occupation, which leads to residents of Addis Ababa to lose faith in the Union of Eden after the failure of military collaboration and support for the defenceless town. Addis Ababa began to quickly work on the Capitol Building, which housed the Union of Eden's parliament other than Swahili, however, this building was later delayed under construction and it was never used for that purpose. Thanks to Ryacudo the town of Addis Ababa gained several new residents, including one of the most influencial and talented builders in the town PorkMeatball who helped revamp older builds built entirely by the Emperor himself.