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Rcomp-kaniw is a 4-bit redstone computer project in the town of [Aurora:Kaniw|Kaniw], in central Ukraine.

Note: When ticks are mentioned in this thread, it reffers to redstone ticks per second, which is the total tps / 2. Average servers have a 10 redstone tick per seconds, but EMC has about 5-7.


Clock: 3 tick on, 3 tick off [around 2-3 Hz] Memory read/write delay: 2 ticks

Hardware (planned)

Primary Bus (PBUS)': A bus connected to most components [4bit bus]

Secondary Bus (SBUS): Secondary bus connected to most components [4bit bus]

Instruction Bus (IBUS): Used to transfer instruction data to ALL components. Each component is fitted with a specialised gate that when the right signal is given, turns on the component

Excess Bus (EBUS): A bus for holding an additional 4 bits alongside PBUS or SBUS, used when the output is over 4 bits [4bit bus]

Comparator Bus (CBUS): Holds the results from the last operation by CMP [3bit bus]

Arithmetic Unit (AU): Performs 4-bit addition and subtraction.

Bitwise Unit (BU): Performs 4-bit bitwise operations of OR, AND, XOR, NOT

Comparator (CMP): Performs comparason operations on two inputs and outputs them on CBUS (>, <, ==)

Multiplier (CMP): Performs multiplication operation on two inputs. Output may be over 4 bits, bits 3-7 are loaded onto EBUS

Memory (MEM): Can output to either PBUS or SBUS, contains 16 registers that each store 4 bits (a nibble)

Clock (C): Turns on and off continuesly to keep all components in sync

User input (USIN): 4-bit interface allowing direct user input into the computer

Instruction ROM (IROM): Read only memory, holds upto 32 lines of instructions