Aurora:Puttarfichi biography

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My Biography in Earthmc begins a day like any other I was looking for servers with the map of the planet earth since I had played another one and I loved it I found this server but there was a problem it was for people with Original Minecraft and I played from a non-original launcher Someone who help me A discord happened that for 3 invites they gave you a Minecraft account But NFS (not full access) and finally I joined this server I remember spawning in the middle of Africa And walking too much I don't know what to do or how this worked like that I was exploring I saw the map and I didn't know where to go, it should be noted that this was in February 2022, it was when the leader of Transylvania and currently Romania spoke to me to join his city as I didn't know anything. I agreed to join the City, the people there received me very well and I started talking to the leader of crizibizi to explain how this server works.


Gold Role Discovery I discovered how the economy worked and that's how I started mining and he also offered me a job as a salesman in a building and I accepted, I was more or less active, he also offered me to collect firewood but I declined because I was very exhausted.

fun fact I asked for permission to remodel the building and well, he accepted me and what I did was change the materials to blue and yellow cement so that it looks like an ikea but just in case I left the original materials in a trunk after I went back and saw how they were removing everything luckily they didn't get mad Crizibizi thought I only meant the banners outside

desire to create a city At this stage I was getting bored of being a citizen and was thinking of building a city but I didn't know how in the end I didn't do anything and unfortunately they ended up changing my NFS password (Not full Access account. Then for my birthday they bought me an xbox gamepass but from playing a lot of xbox I ignored earthmc and stopped talking to crizibizi for a long time but I wanted to return at the end of 2022

end Of pirate launcher the pirate launcher i was using had malware and it was right in december so i decided to buy minecraft for christmas

return to earthmc On December 25, 2022 I returned to Earthmc, notified Crizibizi and he received me back in his city in Cluj Napoca. I made my home and started mining again. I told him I wanted to build a city but hadn't decided which one yet until a friend who knows the server but doesn't have a Minecraft account told me that El Salvador would be fine.

Creation of El Salvador In January 2022 I did El Salvador but before Crizibizi offered me wood work again but instead of logs they were planks so I accepted and received a good pay and he accompanied me to El Salvador


Creation of the cathedral of El Salvador


starting to build the cathedral in the plaza of el salvador was not difficult but it was taking too long and it was starting to make me inactive that sometimes I only entered to vote, i joined Cuba and I was still inactive that one day to the next I stopped playing to play another planet earth server with my friend

Later, Romania announced that it was supporting one of its allies in the war and decided to do something stupid. Bring 7 animals from El Salvador to Romania and my 4-day trip to Romania began. Many of my animals got stuck and when I was in the Black Sea they finished me off. killing and in the end I only managed to deliver a chicken to crizibizi unfortunately


-City removal My city El Salvador was eliminated due to inactivity of 40 days I was informed through the discord of Cuba I did not know what to do I did not think that would happen I told Crizibizi to give me a home in Romania but this time in Bucuresti


I made a building in Bucuresti that would also be my house to fit in with the city and once again I was well received until once again I wanted to build a city in Europe and close to Romania to continue talking to them and I decided to build Chernivtsi in April 2022 I was also inactive but I had the goal of expanding my city to make it big and the best thing is that crizibizi left me gold to expand my city


Creation of the Chernivtsi Cathedral I decided to start over with the cathedral because I loved what the real Chernivtsi cathedral looked like and I started building it while expanding it. It was a very good process. It took 3 weeks to complete.


expansion completed


Once I finished my expansion And having passed through the nations of the Russian Empire and Poland I recently decided to join Romania I felt that I owed them something and it is the nation where they treated me very well with very good people, my neighbor Moldova they were also friends of Romania and formed a friendship with their leader __zlatan__ There, in July or August, I had an inn with people who spoke Spanish, we hung out in the cathedral of Cernauti talking and chatting about our professions at earthmc, keijodeputt even came and started giving away gold, a gesture that is still appreciated

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On August 18th I found out about a city that interfered in my claim map, I had to make a negotiation to move it to place, in the end I expanded and ate its city and I became friends with it and I continue to be to this day helping it to build its new city in now Podolia and in a better location since Podolia are my best friends

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The construction of the Cernauti Town Hall began at the beginning of September, I had all the desire to finish it until the worst came....

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The overclaim is announced, ok a new rule that makes you keep too many citizens, simply my opinion was negative my city was too small to house houses and with the architecture it would be completely ruined I lost all desire to play for 3 months I no longer knew the direction of Romania they also became inactive we did not know what to do it was simply a disorder that from September to December nothing interesting happened in my course By EarthMC just that desire to not come back

In December Ghemacu the old king of Romania left his post to a new successor who did the worst he could, put the nation up for sale to keep the gold on his own and worsened our diplomatic relations we had to create Wallachia to gain independence from Romania since these are considered part of the Austro-Hungarian empire

The New Rebirth, for some reason my desire to play came back I really want to build I think I was very stressed by that and the 3 month break helped me a little and also to keep my city alive from the overclaim I didn't want to give away that treasure at least I pay the overclaim shield now I'm in wallachia trying to survive I'm still a patriarch I hope soon we will achieve a completely neutral wallachia without problems and about my city I'll build more buildings and put up a shop

These last 4 months have been hard for my nation, things change from one day to the next, but I needed something to encourage me to play and they did it, now I am living with the same people trying to make everything neutral, I hope this serves as a lesson. -Puttarfichi