Aurora:US Nation

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The US

The US in Aurora is a free state where freedom is a main principle
The US has 140 res as of speaking, and has grown alot

Goverment Information

The nation of US has a king, but everything else is elected
The king has a council which votes for decisions, and acts as a king when oIsar isnt on
The Prime minister as of November 2023 is King Charles (Blockhead in EMC)


As of before 7th of November 2023 Histroy is unknown
7th of November: oIsar buys Alabama

10th of November: Montgomery reaches 20 res

11th of November: Town of Village joins Alabama

18th of November: Asheville joins Alabama

19th of November: Santa_Moses joins Alabama

21st of November: Madison joins Alabama

22nd of November: Alabama renames to US

23rd of November: Alabama declares war on United_States

24th of November: US reaches 10 towns and New York Times (a news program) is made

25th of November: US reaches 140 res and Montgomery becomes a metropolis


Official Allies of the US include: United_States, USA

Official Enemies of the US: Mississippi

Thank you for Reading!

May Freedom sparkle!