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Nova and Aurora player, apart of the Wintour family, current leader of Germany. Anciently leader of France and Aquitaine.

This is her journey on Aurora.


Apart of the nobility, she actively helped the nation with gathering resources like potions and gold. Cinna also engaged in the nation's politics as princess of Francia. She was holding towns and making sure everyone was happy. At the end, she betrayed Francia for France.

The ransom of Guyenne - Vivarais

Cinna wanted her own town and after playing for years with this community, she still didnt have one. From a day to another, in february 2023, Cinna took the town of Vivarais hostage and proposed a ransom: this town for another. This is how, after several days of discussions and debates, she got the town of Guyenne and joined France with it.


Cinna's journey in France has been chaotic but interesting. She arrived as an ancient rebel nobility and left as ancient leader of France. At this time, in february 2023, when she joined France, the nation was led by AD31 and was totally inactive. She recruited a lot for Guyenne and Paris, with the help of Krimb, a loyal friend from Francia who followed her in Guyenne. After several months of recruiting and activity, AD31 proposed to give the nation of France to Cinna. She was at first sceptical in accepting or not but finally accepted to become queen of France.

France leadership

She built in Paris a guillotine, which is her heritage to France. Recruiting and making the nation active again was her main effort. She almost united the french region when Francia finally joined France for a month.

Map of France when Cinna left it:

Retirement from France leadership

After several months of engagement toward France, Cinna chose to abdicate due to too much dramas and a will to retire. She went recruiting.

Recruiting journey

When she started recruiting, Cinna was paid 4g per resident. She finally founded the Recruiters Union with DutifulFlame and Whatok, two good friends. The Union is still active and the average recruiting price is now 30g per resident. She recruited for Greece, Laccadive Sea, France, Monaco, Papal States, South Russia, and many other nations.


When France has been sold by AD31 in september 2023, Cinna stopped her recruiting journey to get back her old town, Guyenne. She renamed the town Royan and recruited a lot. With the will to chill and manage her town and shop, she created Aquitaine.

Aquitaine leadership

Aquitaine, from a chill city-state, rapidly became a more than 10 towns wide nation in France region.

Map of Aquitaine:

Cinna, not wanting to lead by herself a new nation, asked to the occitanian leader, 0rremorre, to merge with her nation and become co-leader.


After retiring from Aquitaine, Cinna joined Monaco and finally got some rest from politics. She joined the Wintour family and spent her time mostly recruiting and fishing.


When Cinna's bff, TiowoiT, had to take over France, he gave Germany's leadership to her. This is the current state.