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Personal Information
Spawndate May 24th, 2022
Place of spawn
Citizenship Emirates
Gender -
Pronouns -
Residence Dubai, Emirates
Town Rank Mayor
Political party
Other affiliations
Discord sillyduggo

SillyDuggo first joined EarthMC on May 24, 2022, this was after his first time hearing about EarthMC from a meme on YouTube (specifically This one). Because of this, SillyDuggo decided to finally pay a visit after acquiring a Minecraft account with the PC Gamepass.


After first joining, SillyDuggo played for a bit, he travelled from his spawnpoint Russia all the way to the Philippines in the town of Manila, because that's where he was from. Nobody took him into a town because no one was online at the time in that area. However, someone in Beijing was willing to get SillyDuggo set up. He joined Beijing and made a small home there, soon going off to visit Dubai because that's where he currently lives. A few days later, he finally moved to Manila as he originally planned, after the mayor Lamn invited him. After he moved there, he went on to renovate an apartment building and didn't log on again, until 2 weeks came by. He then logged on and was locked out. He improved his apartment, started working to create his own town somewhere in the northern area, and soon made a town called Technotown. Along the way, SillyDuggo made good friends with a player named G_selle and some newcomers in the south. toadness_ is a name you'll hear often in this wiki page, he's important, you'll understand that later. SillyDuggo stated his town was named the way it was because as he says, "It was made about three days after the announcement of Technoblade's passing so I wanted to contribute to his legacy to live forever. I grew the town, and eventually, I wanted to make my own nation but I can't just make Technotown a nation because I'm in Philippine's territory." His first attempt at making a nation was to go to Everest and that failed, next, he left and sold Ilocos to a Filipino guy named Silusit and created a nation called Yellowknife in Canada. In SillyDuggo's own words, "Yellowknife was a big success, he owned it from the creation till I got scammed by [Cascadian's] on the day after Christmas."

Yellowknife Times

During the Yellowknife times, SillyDuggo got his old time IRL friend to play on EarthMC with him and they played for a month until they got into a gang of friends on the server, and eventually, SillyDuggo was called off the group. Mainly because in the past, SillyDuggo states, "I am kind of an asshole. I thought that because they were my friends, they should be helping me work on my nation rather than let them do their own things in some randomEarthMC knockoff. I did however find new friends... It was also worth noting that it was this time I befriended a guy named toadness_, [the one mentioned earlier], and we eventually became best friends." SillyDuggo and toadness_ would help each other in game, Toadness helped Duggo get back on his feet and helped him build most of his nation of Yellowknife. To move on, Duggo states the reason he wanted to sell Yellowknife so badly was because he wanted to move and create Emirates because Dubai is where he lives.


Toadness_ made the nation with Duggo with the gold from someone who donated it. They started building Emirates together in the Abu Dhabi side of UAE and then, they got competition as newcomers who were extremely wealthy just came in and took all the land around them. The newcomers, made their own nation. To again quote SillyDuggo, "They're basically a massive pain in the butt and as we didn't want to deal with any of this, we eventually fled and sold the town to them for a trident. (which was worth ~700g at the time.) Emirates was moved to Mindanao and the nation was renamed to Pilipinas. During all this Emirates commotion, Duggo and toadness_ met a guy named NathMN_ and they became good friends with him.

New Towns

As the group arrived to Mindanao, Duggo got the town of Ilocos (renamed from Technotown) back for free from Silusit and soon, Duggo gave it back to Silusit so SillyDuggo could create a town in the neighboring island. SillyDuggo decided to call this town, Lovely_World. Next, the group are met with a war, To yet again quote Duggo themself, "Here's the part that still hasnt been covered. There was an ongoing war in Mindanao, Mindanao is the town in the Southern Philippines. This is the town I was referring to earlier in the south. So anyways there's a war. It started somewhere around the Summer of 2022 when Mindanao was still new. It was a small group of Japanese people who eventually got bored and left the server. Their town fell and only three days later, someone recreates a town there. Three days after they declared victory! And no these aren't the same guys. These are some new Turkish guys who came around sometime in January and they wanted to start taking land in the Philippines. The "government" allowed them to take over Mindanao land and do nothing to help their own people defend it. They let these newcomers take and do whatever they want but not preserve the people who live and maintain the life in the country. About four towns surround Mindanao and we're pissed. But eventually, all towns fall and Mindanao is able to regain most of the land. We decide we've had enough. We will make the Turks and the Philippine Government Pay! So we secede from the nation." After that long quote, ill continue with the story. Since Duggo took Emirates and renamed the nation to Pilipinas, the goup made all their friends join the nation. When eventually overclaim was announced, unlike most people's reaction, the group cheered for joy! At this point in time, it was about winter time again so SillyDuggo decided to sell his town of Lovely_World and the new owners re-sold it to someone and eventually the town fell. Despite earlier decisions, for the town of Mindanao, the group began unclaiming unnessesary land and safegaurding themselves. Once Duggo was worth around 4,000 gold, he moved back to Canada and created a nation called Great_Bear within the area of the IRL Great Bear Lake. Duggo restored a fallen town and decided he couldnt take care of the new town during Overclaim so he deleted the town and repurposed the nation to Qatar, whom his friend NathMN_ still owns to this day.

Moving Back

After tihs, Duggo moved back to Mindanao and lived in there for a while, at this point the year 2023 is over. In January 2024, SillyDuggo recreated Dubai since the old players occupying the area had quit due to overclaim. Duggo started to rebuild Dubai and Abu Dhabi from the ground up along with his friends (those still being NathMN_ and toadness_). Duggo even gets a free town of a bunker in Canada, nearby the place he previously sold a nation in where Ruperts_Land currently stands now. He decided to leave Dubai and Abu Dhabi to a few holders and went back to Philippines to plan an attack, (the war discussed earlier is still not over). Duggo makes a town beside the capital, Manila, and called it Over_The_Horizon (Referencing to the Samsung Theme) and the attack succeeded. Duggo and his friends were able to take over the land in Manila, about 32 chunks to be exact. After disputes and illegal claiming, moderators changed the claims into somewhat 30 chunks instead.


After that, SillyDuggo and toadness_ decide to depart from EarthMC. Duggo said this is because Aa this point they had been playing for more than 2 whole years and in that time, had grown tired from playing the server as it began feeling like a chore instead of something fun. So because of this, SillyDuggo and toadness_ decided to finally leave EarthMC. They lended Mindanao to a holder and a few towns like Banana (The place where important disputed land in Mindanao is), Over_The_Horizon(The overclaiming town to Manila) and The_Hill(The town that has the bunker). Someone who haven't mentioned in a while, is G_selle, well it's because she left the server nearly two years ago and left her dog behind. To respect her departure, Duggo decided moved her dog, named Bart from Manila to Over_The_Horizon to Mindanao to then The_Hill in Canada. This whole journey was done,

by boat! Additionally, Duggo built the SSStumpy in The_Hill (Stampy's Boat from his lets play series) and he decided thats where he was going to leave the server. To clear up confusion, Dubai (in the nation, Emirates), Abu_Dhabi( in the nation, UAE) and Doha (in the nation, Qatar) will all stay alive as NathMN_ will assess any problems if an overclaiming town decides to threaten them.

Project Cinnamoroll

SillyDuggo was the founder and CEO of Project Cinnamoroll (the inspiration behind Project Penguin), the project's goal was to have a cinnamoroll pixel art built in as many towns as possible. Project Cinnamoroll was an extreme success, the discord amounted over 130 members and ended up convincing a large amount of towns to create a pixel art cinnamoroll. The project though, is sadly now discontinued.


Wiki Page created as part of Wiki Awakened and Last updated on July 21st 2024