Aurora:The Kingdom of Siberia

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The kingdom of Siberia started off as a National Socialist state AKA A nazi state, this caused much stability loss.

Pre Yakutia

Siberia in its Nationalist regime days, had tensions with their neighbour "Mar_De_Pengina" and many Siberian towns ended up joining them to obtain more freedom status. Zevity_Is also established relations with "Imperial Russia" which soon ultimately made them a puppet state.

Early Days of Siberian and Yakutian Diplomatic Relations.

The newly found Republic of Yakutia had been founded on the 8th of September and the puppet leader of the Siberian Regime quickly tried to annex them, which failed they sent troops to Yakutia but ended up failing all attempts to become dominant in the region. Soon Yakutia had befriended Mar_De_Pengina a Siberian Enemy and Sibir a newly found Republic in the region.