Caspian-Tabarnia War (Classic)

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Revision as of 17:26, 14 May 2018 by (talk) (Wrote Conclusion)
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The War started over the continuation of the Terror of Khartoum by jAnglada. THIS WAS NOT AGAINST Spain, just against jAnglada.

List of Battles

1st Terror

Not really included in the War, but good backstory

2nd Terror

jAnglada came to Khartoum again and attacked, killing no one. PolkadotBlueBear and PolkadotMonkey came to defend. It involved jAnglada attacking PolkadotMonkey repeatedly and then running back into claimed land. Then PolkadotMonkey left and PolkadotBlueBear fought jAnglada, who did the same thing although PolkadotBlueBear did almost kill him.

Battle in the Arena

The 1st Battle in the Arena took place in TMS arena and involved PolkadotBlueBear versus jAnglada. PolkadotBlueBear again almost killed him but jAnglada clicked on the steps on the outside of the arena to sit in, allowing him to exit the pvp zone.

The PolkadotBlueBear allowed jAnglada to run away in the spirit of honour. jAnglada then got PolkadotBlueBear to agree to return to fight without armour and PolkadotBlueBear died. However jAnglada refused to fight more, even though PolkadotBlueBear offered very honourable terms should jAnglada lose to PolkadotBlueBear, such that jAnglada's armour would be returned, but jAnglada went rude at PolkadotBlueBear and left the game.

Battle of Tabarnia

PolkadotBlueBear went and attacked jAnglada at a set-time for a battle. There were 3 phases: 1st phase PolkadotBlueBear withdrew to the water but still kept attacking until the whole server lagged and was kicked. 2nd phase PolkadotBlueBear came back and fought to another standstill but jAnglada turned out to be using potions even though he said he would not. So PolkadotBlueBear easily retreated and made some potions. 3rd phase PolkadotBlueBear came back and jAnglada had hired someone to kill PolkadotBlueBear who logged out immediately. So PolkadotBlueBear and jAnglada battled until both withdrew, PolkadotBlueBear from lack of time, and jAnglada from needing to repair his axe. Battle was a complete stalemate.

Break in Hostilities

On May 4th 2018 PolkadotBlueBear decided to give jAnglada a second chance after an agreement with NSaurio. The peace was agreed that Caspian States would re-ally Spain, forcing jAnglada to give up attacking, but of jAnglada wanted to continue attacking, he would have to leave Spain, in which case he would be betraying Spain. jAnglada ceased hostilities and is on semi-friendly terms with PolkadotBlueBear.


The Caspian-Tabarnia War was short-lived, but reasonably important to both sides. For the Caspian States it was the first war were they were directly fighting, not fighting with or for an ally. For Tabarnia, jAnglada seemed to get better, and was less toxic. Maybe this was a wake up call to Tabarnia, either way jAnglada has not been nearly as toxic as before.