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Revision as of 00:25, 15 December 2018 by >KingofFlavourtown (History - First Week - The Misunderstanding)
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Desemboque is an independent town located in the southwestern part of North America, on the coast of the Gulf of California

Town Description

Desemboque was created on 7 December 2018 by WarioWareOrbulon on the East coast of the Gulf of California. The citizens of Desemboque are (in order of joining) WarioWareOrbulon (mayor), Mahdi1234567, Name0001, 1mReddy, and BowTieCrocodil.


First Week - 07.12.18 - 13.12.18

Desemboque was founded on Friday, 7 December 2018 by WarioWareOrbulon. At first, the town consisted of a lone cobblestone house with an interior of 7 by 3 by 2, and a small cactus farm. Over the next week, it expanded rapidly, with Mahdi1234567, Name0001, 1mReddy, and BowTieCrocodil all joining and building houses. In the first week the Desemboque Bridge, Baja California Canal, Desemboque Fountain, Underground Tunnels, Leaf Pathway, the Docks, and Blood Fountain all being completed during this time.

The Misunderstanding

On Wednesday, 12 December 2018, two Californians entered Desemboque's sovereign territory. According to BowTieCrocodil, the only Desemboque citizen online, they said that they were peaceful, before destroying a portion of BowTieCrocodil's house, which was not fully in the Desemboque boundaries at the time. In retaliation, BowTieCrocodil killed JPapper, and the other Californian, who is unknown, fled.

The Long Winter - 14.12.18 - present


  • 1mReddy's House
    • Home of 1mReddy, surrounded by water, with access to the Underground Tunnels
  • Baja California Canal (completely located out of the town boundaries)
    • Allows quicker sea access from the Gulf of California to the Pacific Ocean
  • Blood Fountain (partially located out of the town boundaries)
    • A monument constructed of Nether Bricks, Lava, and Water
  • BowTieCrocodil's House
    • Home of BowTieCrocodil, located on the Desemboque Bridge
  • Cactus Farm (completely located out of the town boundaries)
    • A large area where cacti grow, but has not been harvested for a week
  • Desemboque Bridge (partially located out of the town boundaries)
    • Connects Desemboque to the Baja California Peninsula, over the Gulf of California
  • Desemboque Fountain
    • An abomination that makes it difficult for boats to manoeuvre around constructed of cobblestone, glass, magma cubes, glowstone, and water
  • Docks (partially located out of the town boundaries)
    • An area constructed of cobblestone and glowstone in the northeastern part of Desemboque where people passing through may leave or take a boat as they please
  • Leaf Pathway (partially located out of the town boundaries)
    • Constructed from spruce leaves, nether brick fences, and jack o'lanterns, it connects the second floors of WarioWareOrbulon's and Mahdi1234567's houses to the rooftop of Name0001's house from above the main road
  • Mahdi1234567's House
    • Home of Mahdi1234567, surrounded by water, with access to the Leaf Pathway and Underground Tunnels
  • Name0001's House
    • Home of Name0001, it is a large cobblestone rectangular prism that blocks the bay and makes it difficult for boats to manoeuvre around it, with access to the Leaf Pathway and Underground Tunnels
  • Sugar Farm (partially located out of the town boundaries)
    • A row of about 100 sugar cane stocks stretching from Desemboque north along the coast
  • Underground Tunnels
    • The Underground Tunnels are a mess of trapdoors, ladders, pathways, glass ceilings looking out on the ocean, and doors that connect many of the houses as well as doors that open out underwater
  • WarioWareOrbulon's House
    • Home of WarioWareOrbulon, it was the first building to be completed in the town, and is also the tallest, with a large cross that is nearly 50 blocks wide towering over the town
  • Wheat & Melon Farm (partially located out of the town boundaries)
    • The primary source of food for the residents, the areas located outside of the town boundaries are subject to frequent raids

Notable People

  • 1mReddy
  • BowTieCrocodil
  • Mahdi1234567
  • Name0001
  • WarioWareOrbulon (founder and mayor)