French Union (Classic)

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Revision as of 11:19, 11 January 2018 by >Frankunderwod2
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French Union is nation led by Prime Minister Frank Underwood a.k.a FrankUnderwod.Frank wanted to unite whole France since Parisian France became inactive.



French Union was nation founded by FrankUnderwod2 in December 2017 It expanded on South France North Italy Belgium and Normandy also it has 4 Provinces on Middle East and North Africa and colonies in Pacific


Province of Suez-Governor Shubble

Province of Israel-Governor GiantDomoPerson

Province of Golden State-Mayor Endy

Province of West Afrcian Republic-X Myers X (Under Command of Suez)

Province of Strasbourg-Prime Minister FrankUnderwod2

Province of North Italy-Governor RIhter

Province of Belgium-Administor X Myers X

Province of Navare -Governor ByIbox

Province of Normandy-Governor Randy


UK-France war


Ground Forces

French Army has 5 active people who have God Gear and maxed Swords-

Air Forces

2 people Elytra,potions,god gear