Luna (Moon)
Luna - only natural satelite of Terra, we never step on it, and we dont even send satelite near to it.
Like Terra and all universe we dont know when Luna was created but first night when humans saw it was 12 minutes after server was opened.
We never step on it, and we dont even send satelite near to it. we dont even see his roundness, we are not even sure that he is round. Luckly BSSA annouced that they will gona send satelites on his orbit.
We see only half of it so we cant tell much about it.
Partial geography: (zoom for better quality)
Green - Southen Crater
Yellow - Northen Crater
Red - Grand Canyon
Physical Informations:
We probably dont see roundness of moon beause render distance and we see just "top" (closest surface of moon) of moon. Best example is when you stand ov very tall tower and look down you see small square - piece of Earth. Same with moon. Something like this:
We dont know compostiton of Luna's surface, it could be white concrete, concrete powder, endstone or something diffrent
We also didn't know underground of moon but we suppose that (like earth) Luna has core made of bedrock
Gravity on luna = 0.6 of earth's gravity