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Revision as of 07:37, 8 September 2019 by >Tylersb1001
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Masset is located in Western Canada, at the site of Graham Island.  The proposed Haida Gwaii National Park is located on Moresby Island.


Masset was founded at the OreoToast estate on 22 May 2019. xOreoToast settled here in May 2019 to retire from an active EMC life, and to focus on moderating the server.  He was demoted roughly a month later, and was inactive for a short period of time.  After his return, he participated in Cascadian politics and served as the president of Cascadia in Aug 2019.

Early History

The town was formerly the Town of Kiusta, jointly run by Multicody10 & TheFirst Hourr.  It fell into ruin early Spring of 2019.


This can also be named Architecture/World wonders/whatever. Something must be shown.

Notable People

  • xOreoToast

Haida Gwaii National Park

xOreoToast introduced a proposed for the Haida Gwaii National Park in the Cascadian Senate on Aug 22, 2019.  The island of Haida Gwaii National Park is on the southern border of Masset, off the coast of IRL British Columbia.

Other Recommended Headings

The following are not required but it's recommended to have at least something extra for your town page. Many of these are not even applicable to most towns.
* Government
* Political Affiliation
* Economics
* Diplomacy
* Military
* Maps
* Pictures
* Anything else that isn't ridiculous and can with reason fit into the wiki
* Bob