Provisional government of northern Russia

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Revision as of 16:40, 3 May 2021 by >Holoti
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The Provisional government of northern Russia (formally - Russian_Dominion) located in the north part of Russia. In its present form, it was founded on 05/02/2021 on the site of the Russian Republic (Autonomous Republic of the Russian Empire). It sets as its goal the creation of a powerful nation consisting exclusively of Russians.




It is a National Socialist Republic with a militarist bias. There is a head, unions, the conscription and ministers.


The Provisional government of northern Russia doesn't have army yet, but it is forming.


The Provisional government of northern Russia washed the White Sea. In Arkhangelsk, the capital of nation, there are some sights, such as:

  • The Statue of Pickaxe
  • The Lenin Square
  • The Congress House

Notable People

  • Probka_C
  • Probka_D
  • DentonTheReaper
  • moldemort

National Subdivisions

This isn't required but is highly recommended to help add space and add meat to your article, mostly for larger or federal nations. This refers to towns, states, provinces, autonomous regions, or other smaller sections of a nation that can be described individually. This IS optional however. This is specified so it's more clear, for example you could have a subdivision for each province or colony. Generally it's at your discretion.

Other Recommended Headings

The following are not required but it's recommended to have at least something extra for your town page. Most are applicable to most nations.

  • Political Affiliation
  • Diplomacy (highly, highly, highly recommended)
  • Maps
  • Pictures


The city of Arkhangelsk on the map
Photo of Arkhangelsk