Munich (Classic)

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Munich is a town nestled along the Elbe River in southern Germany. The leader of the town is 73beetle. The town is currently a vassal of Ulm and in the nation of Nazi Germany. And is home to the Munich Times Cooperation that has an HQ in Ulm as well. The city is well known for its German style architecture and is a major hub in Nazi Germany.

Housing System~

The city of Munich, vassal of Ulm uses a plot-based system in which players are permitted to build their houses with little to no regulations. This system is both good and bad, it is good for it encourages players to join Munich to know that their items will be safely in their house. It is bad because it messes with the Architecture of Munich, but overall the plots do more good than bad for Munich.

Future Project: Munchen Neustadt

The project of Munchen Neustadt, or New Munich is to completely destroy and redesign the city of Munich to its specifications in real life. The goal of the project is to make Munich a centre of Culture and Arts in Nazi Germany.