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Scatland's religion, known as "Scattish", labeled as mythology by other nations, has actual grounds in the fear or a demon that lurks the sewers, Template:ReligionInfoboxthis demon would be known as John McAfee in his formerly life. The original people of Scatland would become terrorized by John McAfee. They would name him "e-Thay at-Scay emon-Day" (translated to Scatemon in English). Scatemon would roam the caves of ancient Scatland. Some 100 people lived in these caves which were maze-like in structure. Originally they would use magic to animate snow blocks and carved pumpkins to sentient golems, who would fling snow at Scatemon, this worked at first because Scatemon was a savage scat eating demon. Once the warding golems no longer scared Scatemon, he would come and slaughter the golems and the people. These golems were remembered for their sacrifice, as they served valiantly. Only few people would survive by hiding in the labyrinth of the caves. These people would move to the upper levels of the caves, where Scatemon would not roam. During this time, they would repopulate as well as reconstruct the golems they had lost. In an estimated 100 years, they would go on to write a series of texts called "meine Scheiße", it's author, Shitus of Pleb Shits, was guided by an angel who's previous life was known as Scatman John. Scatman John would be referred to as "at-Scay ohn-Jay" (translated to Ohscigh in English). Ohscigh was said to have given Shitus holy guidance to help his people and to the future generations through written directions.

Golem Persecution

10 commandments

In the summer of 2019, Scatland had a massive population of snow golem nicknamed the Logang, this would cause the server to lag and crash, but because of the mod's infatuation with the Scat and the actions of believer DoubleHomicide who split the shit seas , they survived the potential ban. The mods wiped most of the mobs on the server to rid of the lag (however some golems prevailed). In return, this crashed the economy of the server temporarily because of the server-wide mob wipe. and the population of golems at Scatland has never recovered to pre-genocide numbers

Construction of the Holy Sewers

A monument to Ohscigh, the temple of Shieeet was constructed as an entrance to what would become the sewers. Shitus would be endowed with holy grace via Ohscigh, this power would ward off Scatemon long enough to begin conversion of the caves to what is today the sewers. Shitus would then command some 300 snow golems in a fight that would decide the fate of his people (the Scatopeans). Because of the grace of Ohscigh, Shitus would win the fight and seal Scatemon away to the bottom of Ohscigh Scat Lake. Scatemon was sealed so that he would suffer through suffocation for the rest of his pitiful existence, locked away never to be undone at the bottom of the lake.

Covenant to Ohscigh

Shitus would make a covenant to Ohscigh, promising that he and his people would shart and shit into the sewer waterways as a statute forever to Ohscigh. Ohscigh would instruct Shitus to construct the Shart of the Covenant so that Shitus and his brother could receive word of God through Ohscigh. The shart would be constructed entirely of scat and blood.

Destruction of the Holy Site and Reconstruction

During the 3rd fall of Scatland in mid 2021, Scatland's town hall and many surface dwellings would be demolished and robbed by Atheist pigs who did not believe in the word of Ohscigh. They also went on to defile they holy "Scatman" golem statue, which was a statue constructed entirely out of shit and blood.

The defilement of the statue into a regular snow golem would horrify the migrating pilgrims, who believed in Scatland's religious texts upon discovering it's well established culture. This abhorrence caused the pilgrims to reject any new sentiments and turn in deeper and go even further in their beliefs then the first people of Scatland did.

During September 2021 the pilgrims would rebuild holy sites such as the Scat Golem, Temple of Shieeet and build a prison to contain the demon John McAfee.

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Holy Sites and artifacts