Second Austrian Empire (Classic)

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Second Austrian Empire

Austria, German: Österreich, otherwise known as The Best Nation on the Server, no contest, Is Direct Monarchy/Oligarchy, and in military union with the German Empire, the small state is mainly located in central Europe with colonial claims in North America, Somalia as well as Brazil, the state has a current population of 26, with 8 of those being active players. The terrain of Austria is highly mountainous with some lowlands near the German border and in Munich and as well in the Austrian colony of Denmark. And also the dense forests in the Austrian colony of SA_Cartel. The majority of the population speaks English, however German is frequently used among the population. The main defense and assault force of Austria is the Dab army™ Recently, The Republic has been reformed into the Second Austrian Empire under Kaiser Schober60 of Austria, and entered into a union of sorts with Germany, beginning the 3rd German Empire.

Early History

Pre-Austrian Era

The land that today comprisies the nation of Austria was mostly uninhabited during most of EarthMC's History with small migrating newfag tribes inhabiting the forests of Austria, using them for spruce wood. The closest ancient town that was near Austria was the ancient Swiss town of Bern which was part of an ancient Swiss nation. The first actual town within the modern day Austria was known as ToasterReich and inhabited the area in the alps where "Vienna" is located today. Not much is known about this civilization, but we do know they held knowledge of the Austrian State as several Austrian flags were discovered within Old Vienna. Modern day Vienna still uses the same style that this previous civilization, however unfourunately much of these old buildings were destroyed during the Hungarian occupation of Vienna.

First Austrian Republic

Although the 1st Austrian Republic only lasted about a month, it was the centerpiece of some of the most global wars during the Era of Growth, most notably the Austro-Tortugan War which ended in a decisive Tortugan victory and occupation of Vienna. The nation was also involved heavily in European politics and actively fought back against globalist powers intruding into Europe, mainly the USA in fierce debates which took place in Vatican City, what a time it was. The nation was also the focal point of the massive land mine scam created by Kurai18 to fool the Austrian Government into thinking that she had mass land mined the Alps, in outrage Alfatra was attacked and a massive conference was held in the Vatican supervised by the Pope in which representatives of Austria and the USA argued with each other, however the scandal was nothing but a fraud to fool the Austrian Government, only one mine had been place which was "discovered" by a German citizen. Austria during this time also established a tradition of the "Austrian Night of Terror" in which Austria attacks all of it's enemies in one night, usually never meaning much, and serves as a way for the Natural "Toxicity" of Austrian citizens to be released. One cool thing about the Austrian Community is the close bond all of them shared and still do to this day, and many of the old players still play today (crlowman, EthanMingKing, KRN, Ojc) Austria certainly left an impact on Europe forever.

The Refounding of Austria

As Tortugan Mercenaries entered Vienna that fateful day, and looted the city due to a Permission Mistake on 73beetle's part, 73beetle disbanded Vienna to never return which then began the long period of the Tortugan Occupation of Vienna, which killed the former active nation that Austria was. However after Tortugas fell and Hungary occupied Vienna 73beetle saw his chance and thanks to TheTimbonator's Generosity Vienna was bought from Hungary and the Reconstuction began. With Bavaria, later renamed to Austria to leave Germany for good, marking the beginning of the new Austrian State.


2nd Austrian Night of Terror

In honor of the reformation of Austria 73beetle declared that the "Second Austrian Night of Terror" was to begin. After a speech by leader 73beetle, 3 Austrian Forces and a coalition of supporters to attack the #1 Target of 73beetle, Moscow. The Coalition entered the city demanding tribute from NakedSnail and to turn on the pvp, which he did not before recieving a warning for combat logging. The Attack went as planned, All of Snail's dogs were killed in a brutal slaughter and several hundreds of gold was stolen from the town vault by a member of the coalition. The attackers then went on to attack another Russian town, but the leader never showed to confront the attackers. Then After regrouping in Vienna, Austrian Troops marched into Spain to kill a member of Valencia when leader Zqppy got on. Pvp was toggled and the Austrian Forces retreated to Munich where Nino175 and Zqppy met 73beetle, Oretin, and Schober60 in Battle. The battle went on for about 10 minutes with various sides gaining the upper hand, Although Zqppy retreated several times even boating down the Elbe river away from Munich at one point, nino175 proved himself to be a competent pvper, then After the loss of Oretin_ due to "Computer Problems" and Schober's Mediocre armor not performing well, 73beetle toggled the Pvp ending the battle, with the Alaskan-Spanish coalition claiming technical victory. War was declared on Spain the next day.

Brief Anschluss

This new Austria did not last long however, as much to everyone's suprise-His Greatness Führer Adolf_Hitlar returned to EarthMc after being banned for months. The server rejoiced in this recoming of the great one and 73beetle decided to rejoin Germany headed by Adolf Hitlar leading to 73beetle to recieve the German Iron Cross. Which means that every active member of Vienna-Graz (Munich) Has recieved the cross.


However 73beetle soon began to regret his decision to leave Germany after Adolf_Hitlar soon became inactive and Germany as a whole had seemed to die out. So Schober60 bought a nation from Brendan for a steal of 64 gold and Austria was officially restablished as a nation recieving minor success after annexing the Rhineland and Bohemia.

-Haitian Interlude-

Austria's peace was broken for a night and one night only however, when 73beetle became bored and decided it would be cool to make Haiti. So to get the true Haitian Spirit 73beetle burned down the entire town and built a giant dirt wall around it with flames on top, several people would watch as 73beetle burned down the once majestic Munich. 73beetle soon became aggressive and warned that anyone inside the Haitian_Empire would be killed which he stayed true to his word, murdering the Danish Peacekeepers that tried to talk him out of his insanity. However this time would not last (Thankfully) After Schober60 brought 73beetle to his senses after he threatened to leave Munich, so after a very close server wide strawpoll vote 73beetle decided to not go insane and instead to rebuild Munich better than it had been before, which brings us to Present day or the reconstruction of Austria.

Australian Tensions

Since the end of Haitian period, 73beetle and Oretin_ have both expressed public distaste for the new born nation of Australia. However, Austria is not the only nation who has shown hatred for Australia. For example, the nation of Commonwealth has talked about war with Australia. A war between Austria and Australia in the near future would not be surprising.

Second Austrian Empire

Claims of the Second Austrian Empire.

As 73beetle and Oretin_ became increasingly inactive due to boredom of earthmc, the Republic was taken over by Schober60 and has been officially reformed into the Austrian Empire.

The Battle of St. Petersburg/War Day

Shortly after the founding of the empire, a war day was announced. Plans were made by the oligarchy to attack different nations, ultimately, in the end, Russia was invaded. Germany and Austria United under one flag to fight Russia, this was known as Austro-Germany. The army of Austro-Germany, the dab army™, attacked the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg and were later joined by CCCP. This battle was arguably the largest on the server. Astro-Germany and CCCP were met with a resounding success at St. Petersburg, suffering no casualties and inflicting many causalities upon russian soliders. Unfortunately, before Russia could be defeated, the server lagged the fuck out and crashed, ending the war.

Breakup of Austro-Germany

After the 5th war day and the battle of St. Petersburg, the Germans split from the Austrians and Austro-Germany was renamed back to Austria. However, The German dual state is still in effect as Austria and Germany have united under one army, The Dab Army.

Incorporation into Germany

The Austrian Empire and Reformed German State both signed the Treaty of Vienna on 4/6/2018, uniting the two under a union of empires, forming the 3rd German Empire. Despite the name, the nation is in reality two empires, ruled by separate kaisers, united only militarily and by a High Chancellor.

Colonial Growth and Expansion

Prasident 73beetle sitting in the Prasidential Office

Governmental Structure

Präsident (Position Abolished)

The Präsident or President serves as the head of government in Austria, and basically has dictatorial powers over the state during their three month term. This person is basically incharge of everything from maintaining the state to arming the population. This person is elected every 3 months by the people of Austria and Germany, which means German politics has a heavy influence in Austrian Elections as Germans make up the majority of the voters.


This person is basically the Vice-President. Which means they have little actual power and are instead the head advisor to the Präsident. This person is chosen by the elected Präsident and can serve and infinite term if the Präsidents so declare.


The Kaiser of Austria serves as the head of state and head of government. This person answers to no one else and has full dictatorial powers of Austria, however the Oligarchy still has a large influence in the Kaiser's decisions.

Strict Oligarchy

This is where Austria gets confusing however, as there are 3 people which are very important to the Austrian State.(73beetle, Oretin_, And Schober60) each one of these people holds an equal say in the decision making process as they are all extremely loyal and integral to the Austrian State, so while in reality the Präsident has the most power, his power is heavily kept in check by this Strict Oligarchy as without one of these members Austria would be extremely destablized.