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Profile Information
Nation SPQR (GRE)
Town Mostar
Towny Rank
Political Party Roman Catholic, Marvinease
Spawn Information
Date of Spawn
Place of Spawn
Physical Information
Blood Type
Status Information
Server Role
Date of Ban
Nation History

Early Phase


Alsjad joined earthmc October 5th, 2019. He found out about the server after watching the earthmc ad on youtube. While waiting in queue, he examined the map and saw that in his Bosnian homeland there appeared to be two rivaling factions: Bosnia and Yugoslavia. He knew that he would like to join one of the two, after some consideration he decided that Yugoslavia had more expansive potential. Without realizing it, he had made on of his most impactful choices right then and there. After making it through queue he asked if there were any Yugoslavs online to invite him. Fortunately enough for him the mayor of Beograd and leader of Yugoslavia, S64 was online and invited him. Alsjad then learned that Yugoslavia was actually a dominion under the Greater Roman Empire, while S64 worried that because of Alsjad's ethnic roots, he might feel repelled towards this empire. Luckily, alsjad just saw this as being apart of a large, active community and was welcoming to the concept. While in Beograd alsjad tried fixing up the town and clearing the grieifing around it, apart from this and working on his house, his time spent in Beograd was pretty uneventful.

The founding of Emona

A week into playing Earthmc, alsjad was messaged by S64 about founding a town for Yugoslavia. Alsjad had thought little about making his own town and mostly wanted to help improve Beograd, but when offered free gold to do so, he couldn't refuse the offer. On (insert date) Ljubljana (later renamed to Emona) was founded. At first there was slow progress with alsjad building and claiming everything on his own. Eventually he had the idea to introduce a few friends to earthmc. They would later on all be integral parts of Emona, constructing the districts and paving the roads for alsjad's beloved city. Surprisingly, of these friends, all became inactive and it was SiGoMi, a player alsjad recruited to Emona, who would inherit mayorship of the town and continues to hold it to this very day.

Integration into Byzantium

A few weeks into the creation of Emona it was proclaimed that Yugoslavia would be integrating into Byzantium. Without hesitation alsjad gladly joined Byzantium, this marked a turning point where alsjad starting interacting more with the Roman community and is ultimatly why he remains a prominent member to this day.

Espionage in Bosnia

Because alsjad speaks Bosnian as a first language, with the permission of his superiors, he left Byzantium and joined the enemy nation of Bosnia as a spy. While in Bosnia he was able to gain the trust of it's leadership. With this trust he secured battle plans, expansion maps, and valuable resources including 4 stacks of gold and god tools/armor. He was even taught how to pvp by the Bosnian commander, Daviq.

The founding of alsjadtinople