Aurora:Ronne/NullSelfice's initiative at the time of Ronne's second reforms

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@ⒶResidentsⒶ Hello everyone, I have a few things to say.

The second phase of the Ronne reform may be ready to begin. We need to rectify certain aspects of excessive "anarchy". Here, "anarchy" refers to a state of disorder, not anarchism.

Firstly, we need to establish that anarchism is a system with rules and order, rather than the complete chaos seen in current municipal management.

Secondly, we should clarify that collective ownership applies to means of production, not resources for daily living. This has been a misunderstanding on our part. This also leads to precious resources like diamonds being wasted or sold off, while the people who truly need them cannot access them. Therefore, resources for daily living should be privatized but can be allocated based on needs through a committee.

Lastly, it is necessary to establish specific details regarding municipal management and the specific responsibilities of the mayor. From land allocation to resident certification, everything needs to be standardized in order to improve the level of management and timely response to residents' needs.

One more thing to note is that Utopia's Ronne central warehouse will be adjusted to accommodate the privatization of resources for daily living while still adopting collective ownership for means of production.

@ⒶResidentsⒶ What do you all think of the above? Please feel free to express your opinions.



@ⒶResidentsⒶ 大家好,和大家說幾件事。










@ⒶResidentsⒶ 以上這些各位感覺如何,歡迎各抒己見。